Immortalise your pet in felt! Artist makes tiny replicas of beloved animals

Those looking for a unique Christmas gift or a lovely way to immortalise their pets can now have an exact copy of their colleagues sculpted felt.

For the ultimate animal lover, actually a pet fur may be incorporated in miniature to make even more convincing.

The model is the work of artist GourmetFelted that the work is for sale at online shopping site

As well as the pet replica, the artist behind Gourmet felted, Gerry, from Massachusetts, USA, makes everything from small pets for dolls wedding cake decorating.

Made entirely by hand, every inch is felted together from luxury fibers like angora and mohair wool as well, with many hours of going at each other.

Gerry says: "I have always been the most fun expressing myself artistically. When I was a little girl, I even painted seashells ... and yes, I did sell it by the beach!

"My mother taught me how to paint them, and time is precious. '

'That I sketched animals as I can remember, going through boxes of crayons! I used clay when I was a teenager, but I never thought I would be a sculptor.

" I put so much love into each of my creations and I get so much joy from making small pets, and also from the joy it gives to others . People have told me that they are tears of happiness when they opened the box and see their little like their pets.

This option to include animal fur with wool , Gerry says : I love the addition of feather sculptures and use many luxury fibers such as alpaca , silk , down , cashmere , angora , and mohair .

With an individual dog is valued at around £ 157, £ 172 and cat ( prices vary according to the amount of effort and time taken to create each piece ) , the model is not cheap , but the unique features of the sculpture means that there is a high demand and often a waiting list .

Although small cats and dogs are the most commonly requested sculpture , GourmetFelted make any animal or size .

He also makes models with vegan fibers for those who are not allergic to wool or animal products .

These boots are made for eating: Baker turns cakes into designer shoes

In any contest cake making , baker Debbie Goard is bound to be a shoo- in .. or maybe that should be a shoe in.

Ms. Goard is the dough and icing to the most exquisite replica footwear for over a decade .

His magnificent cake sold for over $ 350 each and make painstaking preparation time to get as accurate as possible .

The 45 - year -old, from Oakland , California , said : ' The idea that someone would want to eat their shoes always seemed a bit odd to me.'

' Shoe is really like day sculptures , and some people really respect their shoe collection .

' The cake tend to be among the most technical design , not at all unlike the car cake I make .

" I try to work from templates or blueprints to get them as accurate as possible , and I fully explore each design . By the end of some projects I have been an erstwhile specialized in the subject .

' Most of my shoes cakes start at around $ 350 and go up based on the complexity of the shoe and the servings needed . '

Trainer from the elegant designer labels , shoes hopped the cement from the plate .

California artisan Debbie cake was fashioned a series of edible design life size , from the sleek Louboutin Bibi Jordan Retro chunky ask .

The Louboutin Bibi Pump , made ​​entirely of fondant , Debbie took a week to work out and set up and designed as part of a birthday cake presentation .

Retro Jordan , also made for a birthday celebration , is created with cake , buttercream and fondant .

The details of the shoes are made ​​from fondant, with sculpting tools to Imprint texture and detail .

He added : ' The first Louboutin Bibi Pump I made ​​somewhat of a learning experience .

' Closed shoes that create unique challenges because , as convincing as the final product would be, it is still an edible product and sugar does not act at all like leather . '

'Personally, I'm not able to have a closet full of designer shoes, but I can make a delicious sugar facsimile. "

Producing more than 2000 cake, Ms. Goard has been the industry's cake for 25 years and had cake based on everything from road kill on a Big Mac.

'People can not believe my job is a cake when they first see it,' says Debbie. "And the reaction is everywhere" a cake? "'

What HAS this python eaten? Photograph of giant snake that appears to have eaten a human sweeps the internet

This has sparked incredible debate and confusion pictures over the internet.

The image, which has sweeped across social media sites, appears to show a python just finished a man-sized meal.

While suggestions about where the picture may range has been between Asia, Africa and America, the general consensus is that eating snake is human.

Declare it was taken in India, where the heavy drinker sleeping snake ate a website.

Another version goes that ate a snake woman in Durban North, South Africa, this summer, and that the picture was taken by a reporter.

The picture is also claimed to be captured in Jakarta, Indonesia, Guyana, South America.

There have also been deprived of the story that the snake was found in the reserve game before rescuers could eat it.

Many others, including magic website assassin, claimed the pictures were fake.

One of the deadliest creatures in the world, it does not represent the first time a python is eaten by a person.

In 2002, a 20ft python reportedly ate a ten-year-old boy around Durban, South Africa, the first recorded incident of human food for this species.

Meanwhile, last month a ten-foot albino Burmese python ate two cats in Florida, United States.

On the other hand, in 2011 a 16-foot python found in Everglades National Park, United States, after swallowing a whole adult deer.


The incredible mile-long floating CITY - complete with schools, a hospital, parks and an airport for its 50,000 residents

Giddy sufferers look away now. A Florida-based firm has designed a floating city called Freedom Ship to spend the entire time at sea.

Craft is a mile long, 25-storeys high and has enough space for 50,000 permanent residents.

It features schools, hospitals, art galleries, shops, parks, an aquarium, a casino and even an art gallery as well as airport roof and a rear docking bay.

Also included in the design of a shopping center covering 1,700,000 square foot.

Designed by Freedom Ship International ( FSI ) , the medium is set to cost $ 10 billion and would weigh 2,700,000 tons - which means it would be too big to ever enter a port .

Its designer was released photographs of what they expect the mile - long vessel will look computer generated .

It has enough space for 50,000 permanent residents within its 25 storeys and boasts schools , hospitals , art galleries , shops , parks , an aquarium and a casino . It would even have its own airport on the roof , there is a small airport serving private and commercial aircraft carrying up to 40 passengers each.

Roger M Gooch , director and vice - president of the Florida -based firm Freedom Ship International , said : " The Freedom Ship is the largest vessel ever built , and the first ever floating city . '

His company is trying to raise the estimated £ 6billion needed to turn the dream , which is several years in the planning , a fact the ocean .

' It will be a very heavily capitalized project and the global economy in the last few years would not be too inviting for unproven progressive projects like ours , " he added .

" [ But ] in the last six months we have been getting more interest in the project and we have hope we raise $ 1billion ( £ 600million ) to start construction . ' The ship would spend 70 percent of its time anchored off the main city and the rest sailing between countries .

Powered by solar panels and wave power , the city will navigate from the eastern coast of the U.S. across the Atlantic to Europe and the Mediterranean .

Making it loops back and sail around the Cape of Good Hope at the end of Africa and across Australia . Heading to East Asia , more steer spending across the Pacific before the end of the year on the west coast of North America . Chase this summer day in South America .

If completed , the city is the beam 750ft , 350ft high and 4,500 ft long - more than three times longer than the Queen Mary II cruise ship .

Dead Sperm Whale EXPLODES

It is a job no man would envy.

An unlucky biologist has been filmed trying to cut open a whale carcass - which exploded all over him.

The sperm whale was one of two which died this week after being beached in the Faroe Islands in the North Atlantic, captured on camera by the Faroese Broadcasting Corporation.

The creatures died after becoming trapped in a narrow channel, and residents of the 50,000-strong Danish community wanted to use the skeleton of one for a museum.

So it fell to unlucky Bjarni Mikkelsen, a marine biologist at the National Museum of the Faroe Islands, to cut open the carcass yesterday.

'We couldn't imagine it would happen like that so it was a little bit more of a surprise.

'It was not a shock. We expect something. The situation is more worried about something worse happening or anyone getting hurt ever.

"We are cutting along the dorsal side of the animal so when it explodes it did so in a very controlled manner.

"It was very loud, I suppose. This is something everyone here is talking about. '

Footage of the incident, which happened at 2.00pm yesterday, has been seen on YouTube more than 300,000 times.

The island is 200 miles north of Scotland, but was under the banner of Denmark for 200 years, after previously being ruled by Norway.

The people in the Faroe Islands has been hunting pilot whales for centuries, but the practice is condemned as cruel and unnecessary by the animal rights group.

Despite the gory incident, the local governments are still determined to put the framework in their museum as a reminder of their culture, and they are already busy cutting up the remains of dead animals.

The whale meat is thrown.


House of mirrors

All it took to turn a 70-year-old ramshackle shelter floors California High Desert at an international art phenomenon is some glass, colored LED lights and overflowing part of creativity.

In mid-October, well-regarded artist Phillip K. Smith III arrived in Joshua Tree, California, to unveil his latest project called lucid stead: a mind-bending installation consists of reflects on the panel, lights and custom electronic equipment mounted in a timber humble shack.

As otherworldly lunar landscape, changed the art pieces throughout the day.

During the day , the structure appear slightly transparent sky and thanks to strategically mirrors reflecting the stunning views . By night , the square and rectangular fields of color red , green and blue full doors and windows

' Lucid benefit is about tapping into the quiet and the pace of change of the desert , " said Smith of his creation . ' When you babagalan down and align yourself in the desert , the project begins to unfold before you . This suggests that it is about light and shadow , reflected light , projected light , and change . '

Installation was initially planned as a two - day event for some viewers . But thanks to word of mouth and fawning press coverage , it quickly became a must- see destination for some 400 arts lover who traveled from as far as New York and Canada over two weekends in October to catch a glimpse the incredible transparent home .

Those fortunate enough to have seen the benefits sane person described the unique structure appeared as a mirage floating above the ground desiccated desert thanks to being prudent with alternating planks mirrored gnarly floors .

At night, the windows and doors of the cabin lit up with LED lights controlled by a computer that slowly changed hues , changing the appearance of a color , dull landscape into a vivid tapestry .

The humble hut resting on five acres of sand filled with shrubs surrounded by federal land , Smith was purchased in 2004 .

Smith, who is also the architect , made ​​a name for himself in the art world with major public projects across the country .

The creators of sensible benefits , who are represented by Royale Projects gallery in collaboration with Steve King Photo , grew up near Joshua Tree and Palm Springs Life said the desert landscape is part of his identity as an artist .

According to Smith , not like a painting hanging on a wall in a museum , his project requires commitment because of its remote location and calling the viewer to actually participate and engage with the artwork and the surrounding landscape .



Starting pitcher Masahiro Tanaka of Tohoku Rakuten Golden Eagles of Japan was a rising star and hot commodity in the baseball world .

After all , the 25 - year -old right- hander has enjoyed celebrity status for leading his team to the national championship as a Japanese high school junior in 2005 . And after 7 - year career in Nippon Professional Baseball League that saw him rack up 1,238 strikeouts in 1,315 innings with a 2.35 ERA , is now laid upon Tanaka holiday wish list for a number of teams Major League Baseball .

But before embracing his future , Tanaka had a chance to celebrate her this past weekend. Thanks to an incredible streak performance run from August 26, 2012 October 27, 2013 , Tanaka received official certification achieved three Guinness World Records :

1.) Most consecutive games won by a pitcher (30)

2.) Most consecutive regular-season games won by a pitcher (28)

3.) Most consecutive games won by a pitcher in a single regular season (24)

"I appreciate my teammates, the staff, and everyone who supported me," Tanaka said in exclusive comments to the GWR. "I think I can get the Guinness World Records [title] so I'm surprised and I feel very honored at once."

To qualify for the record , only professional players in a national top - flight league are eligible , meaning achieved minor league , collegiate ranks , or competition of high school are not included .

Tanaka amazing run began with the 2012 season , where he finished the campaign with four wins . He then won 24 straight decisions in 2013 regular season , achieving him the same notes not . 2 and 3 above reference . Record No. 1 takes into account postseason victories , and Tanaka reached 30 wins without a loss then cut two more victories en route to eventual Japan Series title in 2013 in the Golden Eagles ' .

" I tried to do the same as always in every game , " said Tanaka . " That 's no pressure . Thought I about how to win the game and contribute to the success for my team . "

His achievements far outstrip those of the American Tim Keefe and Rube Marquard , who each amassed 19 straight winning decision ( regular and postseason ) in 1888 and 1912 , respectively . Carl Hubbell - who will suffer the postseason defeats between seasons - won 24 consecutive regular - season MLB decisions in 1936-37 . And Tanaka 's compatriot Kazuhisa Inao held the previous mark for single - season capability 20 , 1957 NPB season 's .

Tanaka finally lost a decision in Game 6 of the Japan Series , bringing an end to his overall score . But his record for most consecutive regular - season games won is still technically active . As he most likely saw his way to Major League Baseball competition next season , Japan and the rest of the baseball world wait to see how long you can just ride his winning ways Tanaka .

" I can not think of [ the ] future , " Tanaka said , " but I want to keep the focus on playing brick by brick , one match by one match . "

Lost City of Atlantis

The mysterious world of urbex and abandoned cities, none is more iconic - or debated - than the lost city of Atlantis. Described by Plato in 360BC as an island that lies in front of the pillars of Hercules, thousands of years of history of the search found nothing despite promising archaeological discovery. But now, the researchers claim to find Atlantis in the wetlands of southern Spain, in spite of many scholars feel that the city is nothing more than a Greek mythology or fantastic urban legend.

Legendary Lost City of Atlantis Found in Southern Spain, Archeologists claim

Using correspondent Plato as his starting point, Professor Richard Freund, from Hartford University in Connecticut, used deep ground radar, digital mapping and satellite imagery to find what he called "one of the largest and most ancient city under a huge swamp ", north of Cadiz in Spain DoƱana National Park. The resulting documentary, Finding Atlantis, was screen by National Geographic in the U.S. on Sunday.

Freund's theory based on the assertion that Plato Atlantis was destroyed by a "natural disaster", believed to be a tsunami, the 9000 BC: "This is the power of tsunamis," Freund told the Daily Telegraph. "It is so hard to understand that it can wipe out 60 miles inland, and that's pretty much what we're talking about." Freund also claimed that refugees fleeing the tsunami established "memorial cities" in the center of Spain.

Teenager Constructs Rollercoaster from 25,000 K'Nex Pieces in his Bedroom

It's staggering images of massive contruction one teenager made ​​entirely from K'NEX.

Nick Cottreau, from Nova Scotia, Canada, who spent more than six months and used over 25,000 pieces of toys to create a giant rollercoaster model that covers his entire room.

The fascination and obsession to build huge models started when Nick received his first K'NEX sets the age of five.

A cycle takes about seven minutes to complete and featuring many lifts, drops, spins and loops to keep the ball moving around the track.

Nick said: 'Sometimes I work on it every day for a week, sometimes I can not hold it for more than two weeks.

"When I work on it either for the short amount of time or just sometimes I would spend an entire day building and planning.

"I was lucky that most of the pieces are used to build the gifts for Christmas or my birthday, but if I had to buy all the pieces of this new cause execs cost £ 2000.

K'NEX is a construction toy invented by Joel Glickman. It first went on sale in 1993 and was designed and made ​​in Pennsylvania, USA.

The system consists of building interlocking toy plastic rods and connectors, which can be pieced together to form a wide selection of models, machines, and architectural structures.

In summary, Nick, 16, has more than 37,000 pieces of K'NEX and constantly spent his spare time planned out new and more extravagant designs.

Nick added: 'are my friends and family all usually very impressed with the machine and find it fascinating that I can build things as complex as this.

'It was interesting to watch the reactions of people who do not see my machine in a while, they forget how big and intricate it is.

'It means that I planed not join most of my current machine and I already have a support plan for my next machine.'

Family Claim Guinness World Record for Christmas Light Display with 502,165 Flickering Bulbs

A family in Australia to put more than a half a million Christmas lights on their house to claim a world record - for the second time.

Father-of-three David Richards from Canberra first won the title in 2011 with 331,038 lights, but was beaten by a family in New York to put 346,283. Family occurred in Australia to put more than a half a million Christmas lights on their home claimed a world record - for the second time.

Father-of-three David Richards from Canberra first won the title in 2011 with 331,038 lights, but was beaten by a family in New York to put 346,283.

Her family vowed to take regain the title this Christmas - so installed more than 31 miles from the wire with 502,165 lights, glowing reindeer and loud music around the surface of their home, to the irritation some neighbors.

Vision has attracted neighbors from miles around - although not all of them were impressed. Some that are not mentioned in the family since 2011.

Mr. Richards, who lives in the suburbs with his wife Janean Forrest, son Aidan, 13, and daughter Caitlin, ten, and Madelyn, six, insisted most neighbors supported the display.

He added: 'I've always loved Christmas. The existence of the community Christmas lights coming on and sharing it is a time when you get to know people should probably know better, I guess. '

Guinness World Records confirmed today feat charitable family has officially the most Christmas lights on a residential property.

The brightness of the bulb will cost about £ 1,400 to run for a month - but the sum has been donated by a local power company.

Stunt is open to the public, and hundreds of people have already visited and posted the video on Youtube. It will raise funds for charities including the Children to fight Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

Up to 70,000 people visited the light show last time he put it in 2011 and has raised £ 44,000 for charity. Want this year Mr. Richards to raise £ 56,000.

He told the Canberra Times: "It really helps a lot of families who suffer the amazing amount of grief. That makes it all worthwhile to me.

'It's like a party in your driveway every night.'

The lights took a month to put up but Mr. Richards does not have to count them all himself - rather than the delivery notes and invoices are used to verify the total.

And they had more use, providing a cousin married his wife on Saturday.

Mr. Richards vowed he retired after setting its 2011 record, but to recover the taste for Christmas lights. Now he does not rule out defending itself against further challenges.

However, he said he needed a generator if he puts up any more light.

Chinese Rubbish Collector Saved and Raised 30 Babies Abandoned at the Roadside

A woman has been hailed a hero after details of his wonderful work with abandoned children appeared .

Lou Xiaoying , now 88 and suffering from kidney failure , found and raised more than 30 abandoned Chinese babies in the streets of Jinhua , in eastern Zhejiang province where he managed to make a living by recycling waste .

She and her late husband Li Zin , who died 17 years ago , kept four children and pass it to other friends and family to start a new life .

Her youngest son Zhang Qilin - now aged just seven - was found in a dustbin by Lou when he was 82 .

' Although I am getting older I just ignore the baby and leave him to die in the trash . She looked so sweet and so needy . I had to take him home with me , 'he said .

' I took him back to our , house which is a very modest house in the countryside and nursed him to health . He is a thriving little boy, who is happy and healthy now .

' Help My older kids all looked Zhang Qilin , he is very special to all of us . I named him after the Chinese word for rare and valuable .

' The whole thing started when I found the first baby , a little girl back in 1972 when I was out collecting garbage . He was just lying in the middle of the junk on the street , abandoned . He would have died had we not rescued her and took her in.

' Watching her grow and become stronger gave us such happiness and I realized I had a real love of caring for children .

" I realized if we had strength enough to collect garbage how could we not recycle something as important as human life , ' he explained .

' You love and care for children . These are all valuable human life . I do not understand how people can leave such a vulnerable baby on the road .

Lou , who has a biological daughter , Zhang Caiying and now aged 49 , devoted her life to looking after abandoned babies .

Word of his compassionate gestures now spread to China , where thousands of babies are abandoned on the streets by their poverty stricken parents .

A fan explained : ' He was shaming governments , schools and the people who stand by and do nothing . May he had no money or power but she saved children from death or worse . '

' In the local community he is well known and well respected for his work on the abandoned baby . He is her best . He was a local hero . But unfortunately , there are far too many abandoned babies in China with no hope of survival .

Only last week there was news of a baby lucky to survive after having its throat cut and then placed in a plastic bag and thrown into a dustbin in Anshan city , Liaoning province in northeast China .

The baby - a girl - was thought to be victims of a child rule of the country where parents restricted to only having a single child prefer boys and girls unwanted and often discarded .

Infanticide of ' guilt children ' is still a problem in rural areas but it is rare in the city , where the children are usually abandoned but not killed .

The baby's fate was horrified China . Little kids were spotted when a passerby went to throw some trash in the bin and saw what he thought was a dead baby in the bag .

He told police that the child was purple and had not moved until he examined the bag closer .

A resident who witnessed the girl to the hospital said : ' He was still breathing and had a heartbeat. Blood from the wound stained the whole body . '

Doctors said that the baby was left in the bag a few minutes he'd died of suffocation and it has been affected by lack of oxygen hence the purple color .

They said that the baby was born premature and was probably between 32 and 34 weeks old and weighs only 1.4 kg .

A medic said that if the cut was not only a millimeter deep into the baby would have died .