House of mirrors

All it took to turn a 70-year-old ramshackle shelter floors California High Desert at an international art phenomenon is some glass, colored LED lights and overflowing part of creativity.

In mid-October, well-regarded artist Phillip K. Smith III arrived in Joshua Tree, California, to unveil his latest project called lucid stead: a mind-bending installation consists of reflects on the panel, lights and custom electronic equipment mounted in a timber humble shack.

As otherworldly lunar landscape, changed the art pieces throughout the day.

During the day , the structure appear slightly transparent sky and thanks to strategically mirrors reflecting the stunning views . By night , the square and rectangular fields of color red , green and blue full doors and windows

' Lucid benefit is about tapping into the quiet and the pace of change of the desert , " said Smith of his creation . ' When you babagalan down and align yourself in the desert , the project begins to unfold before you . This suggests that it is about light and shadow , reflected light , projected light , and change . '

Installation was initially planned as a two - day event for some viewers . But thanks to word of mouth and fawning press coverage , it quickly became a must- see destination for some 400 arts lover who traveled from as far as New York and Canada over two weekends in October to catch a glimpse the incredible transparent home .

Those fortunate enough to have seen the benefits sane person described the unique structure appeared as a mirage floating above the ground desiccated desert thanks to being prudent with alternating planks mirrored gnarly floors .

At night, the windows and doors of the cabin lit up with LED lights controlled by a computer that slowly changed hues , changing the appearance of a color , dull landscape into a vivid tapestry .

The humble hut resting on five acres of sand filled with shrubs surrounded by federal land , Smith was purchased in 2004 .

Smith, who is also the architect , made ​​a name for himself in the art world with major public projects across the country .

The creators of sensible benefits , who are represented by Royale Projects gallery in collaboration with Steve King Photo , grew up near Joshua Tree and Palm Springs Life said the desert landscape is part of his identity as an artist .

According to Smith , not like a painting hanging on a wall in a museum , his project requires commitment because of its remote location and calling the viewer to actually participate and engage with the artwork and the surrounding landscape .


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