What HAS this python eaten? Photograph of giant snake that appears to have eaten a human sweeps the internet

This has sparked incredible debate and confusion pictures over the internet.

The image, which has sweeped across social media sites, appears to show a python just finished a man-sized meal.

While suggestions about where the picture may range has been between Asia, Africa and America, the general consensus is that eating snake is human.

Declare it was taken in India, where the heavy drinker sleeping snake ate a website.

Another version goes that ate a snake woman in Durban North, South Africa, this summer, and that the picture was taken by a reporter.

The picture is also claimed to be captured in Jakarta, Indonesia, Guyana, South America.

There have also been deprived of the story that the snake was found in the reserve game before rescuers could eat it.

Many others, including magic website assassin, claimed the pictures were fake.

One of the deadliest creatures in the world, it does not represent the first time a python is eaten by a person.

In 2002, a 20ft python reportedly ate a ten-year-old boy around Durban, South Africa, the first recorded incident of human food for this species.

Meanwhile, last month a ten-foot albino Burmese python ate two cats in Florida, United States.

On the other hand, in 2011 a 16-foot python found in Everglades National Park, United States, after swallowing a whole adult deer.


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