Teenager Constructs Rollercoaster from 25,000 K'Nex Pieces in his Bedroom

It's staggering images of massive contruction one teenager made ​​entirely from K'NEX.

Nick Cottreau, from Nova Scotia, Canada, who spent more than six months and used over 25,000 pieces of toys to create a giant rollercoaster model that covers his entire room.

The fascination and obsession to build huge models started when Nick received his first K'NEX sets the age of five.

A cycle takes about seven minutes to complete and featuring many lifts, drops, spins and loops to keep the ball moving around the track.

Nick said: 'Sometimes I work on it every day for a week, sometimes I can not hold it for more than two weeks.

"When I work on it either for the short amount of time or just sometimes I would spend an entire day building and planning.

"I was lucky that most of the pieces are used to build the gifts for Christmas or my birthday, but if I had to buy all the pieces of this new cause execs cost £ 2000.

K'NEX is a construction toy invented by Joel Glickman. It first went on sale in 1993 and was designed and made ​​in Pennsylvania, USA.

The system consists of building interlocking toy plastic rods and connectors, which can be pieced together to form a wide selection of models, machines, and architectural structures.

In summary, Nick, 16, has more than 37,000 pieces of K'NEX and constantly spent his spare time planned out new and more extravagant designs.

Nick added: 'are my friends and family all usually very impressed with the machine and find it fascinating that I can build things as complex as this.

'It was interesting to watch the reactions of people who do not see my machine in a while, they forget how big and intricate it is.

'It means that I planed not join most of my current machine and I already have a support plan for my next machine.'

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