The Most Connected Man in the World Uses 700 Sensors and Systems to Record Every Detail of His Existence

They say meditation can make you self - awareness , but it can do much technology seems to work ! 45 - year -old American software developer Chris Dancy , most connected people in the world , uses a range of sensors , devices , services and apps that collect real - time data about its activities and the environment around him . A total of 700 systems monitor his every mood and move , and being ' the most quantified human ' helped him know himself better than ever before . " That I have spent the last four years in connecting all the devices that I wear all the smart technology in my house , and all piping data through a single online platform , so the I can find my whole life . would call it my ' inner - net ' , " he said .

Dancy will not only stay connected for fun , he puts all of the data to good use . By constantly monitoring his movements and eating habits , she has managed to lose 100 pounds . " Now I know what to drink , what to eat , when to sleep and when to actually make myself get up . Very simple things like that , " he said . " This is the body and mind Hacking . As we hack the computer and any type of data , your body and your mind is the greatest system mankind has ever known information and understanding makes it hackable . "

" When I touch something, I try to make sure that it is something that I can get the information out so that I can track , then find it , visualize it and share it with people who might want to piece it , " added Dancy . He got the idea to stay connected after realizing that he was putting a lot of information online and went out of business one of these services , relevant information is lost . " It really started with me having the desire to digital collect what I'm creating . "

Dancy was carrying two smartphones ( an iPhone 5s and Moto X ) and a plethora of wearable technology with its people all the time . A Pebble SmartWatch one wrist sends him updating from his phone . On the other wrist , he has his own a Fitbit Flex constantly monitors his movements and sleep patterns . He also has Blue HR heart rate monitor strapped to his chest , a BodyMedia fitness tracker around her upper arm and a Lumoback posture sensor that vibrates when he slouches , under his belt . He sometimes throws a glass and Google have many sensor products for his home , such as a smartphone - Hue controlled lighting system and the mattress cover also collects data Beddit sleep .

He uses Netatmo to monitor the sound , turned and wemo quality and temperature sensor for emotion . A nest thermostat regulates the temperature in his home and a nest Protect checks for carbon monoxide and smoke . An app called Estimotes gives him information when he was something close to his house ( so he never lost his key , I suppose ) . Its security system and in - car statistics are all hooked up as well . Dancy has not spared his two dogs either he tracked their daily progress by collecting data by Tagg , a pet GPS system .

" The house knows my behavior , " he said . " If I get really stressed out and do not sleep well , when I wake up to light a certain color , the room at a certain temperature , and play some music . My whole life is based preconditioned all the information that I collected in real time . " Dancy said this ' data assisted living ' has revolutionized her life . He really surprised that many people do not follow his example . " I have had many people tell me they want to do it or they are working on it but it's been two - and - a- half years since people started learning about me and no one is really done it . did not know what the holdup is as to me it is quite easy to do , " he said . " Either they do not understand the value of information or it is just something hard for them to break . "

But it is understood why people were not so enthusiastic about it - lean and healthy with so much stuff and looking silly . " All this stuff has to go away , " said Dancy . " It all needs to be in my wedding . Why do not your shoes may have a haptic sensor on them , so if you 're walking you do not have GPS . - Your shoes just vibrates left or right " Also , there is a very - the real threat of personal data falling into the wrong hands . But Dancy is optimistic about mastering our data , as we do not give it away .

Due to its unique lifestyle , Dancy is a coveted individual major tech companies and tech start - ups . All he wanted to study and get his input in developing smarter products . " I have everyone from those who want to make smart cup people who want to make underwear with major beverage companies and sportswear company . Did not want to name drop but almost every large company and many start - ups reached out to me . I give them advice and I will spend time creating what I think is the ideal solution for them . "

Dancy believes that the future lies in staying connected . " This is not about a refrigerator that knows you're out of butter , " he said . " It is about a lighting system that says ' take an umbrella , it's going to rain within an hour , ' just by flashing blue near your front door . Must No one something to read they text or talk to you , they just need gentle reminders . " he added wearables would also be confined to the health market for the next two years .

It is interesting that while the rest of us are hooked to the internet , Dancy pronounces it dead . Instead , he believes that ' innernet - the information you - is the future ' .

Source: Chris Dancy via Daily MailThe Guardian

Young Vietnamese Artist Carves Portraits and Landscapes on Delicate Eggshells

Ben Tre Vietnamese artist uses his steady hand and a small dental drill to carve detailed portrait and landscape in the traditional chicken eggshells . The extraordinary artwork can be mounted on an LED - illuminated base and used as artistic lamps .
Ben Tre says she Division eggshells just started a year ago , yet every one of his many works appear to have been conducted by a contemporary master . He apparently experimented with a number of delicious tool to get the desired effect , before borrowing a small electrical auger from a dentist friend , and it has its uses ever since . Ben takes a day to complete his wonderful light carvings , and expert both celebrity portrait and landscape . The eggs are not chemically treated to harden the shell, making the artwork very vulnerable , but Ben offers interested clients the option of having weak carvings encased in a glass sphere for protection . An LED illuminated wooden base are also available to enhance the beauty of his fragile masterpieces .

via Neatorama

Androgynous Disney Fan Is Both Prince and Princess in Amazing Photo Series

Tiana and Naveen, “The Princess and the Frog”

Richard Schaefer is a talented costume design major at the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising in Los Angeles , but he is also a big fan of Disney fairy - tale characters , so he spent much of his time creating costumes real - life Princes and princesses .
The young Disney costume maker is somewhat androgynous too , and he knew it . So in addition to creating the costumes , wigs and accessories for all of his favorite characters , Richard is also very capable of showing them off on her own . In fact the popularity of Ariel 's Grotto , his Tumblr blog photos , went through the roof after pictures of a prince princess transformation starring Richard as the model is taken by the popular media outlets likeBuzzfeed . He used a lot of makeup to slip into the skin of the Disney princesses , but the results are nothing short of amazing . One could say he 's a better job playing the princesses she does princes .
Ariel and Eric, “The Little Mermaid”

 Aurora and Philip, “Sleeping Beauty”

 Cinderella and Prince Charming, “Cinderella”

 Rapunzel and Flynn Rider , “Entangled”

 Snow White and Prince Charming, “Snow White”

 Belle and the Beast, “Beauty and the Beast”

 Elsa from “Frozen”

via Buzzfeed

How the Jewel Wasp Turns Cockroaches into Zombies

If you are a Harry Potter fan , I do not need to tell you what the Imperius curse is . For the rest of you , this is a spel used to control the minds of the people . Now , if you think something like this is possible only to JK Rowling World , here's some good news for you . Nature is obviously a step ahead . Really able to control the minds of its victims , the cockroach , by injecting poison directly into its brain Jewel wasp or ' Emerald Cockroach Wasp ' is .
The secret to ' enthralling ' Jewel wasp 's ability lies in a neurotransmitter called octopamine in the cockroach brain that contols this movement . The Wasp venom blocks octopamine , literally converting a zombie cockroach . This ' zombie ' cockroach is completely unable to fight back because it was captured by the wasp in underground lair it . If you are wondering why the wasp would go through all this trouble just to eat cockroaches , here's the really weird part - the cockroach meant unwittingly play the second part of the mother . The wasp lays an egg on the cockroach belly , and the larva hatches later and eat live cockroaches from the inside out . It takes 3 or 4 days for the worms hatch , after which it slowly feeds the organs of the roach , keeping it alive the whole time . This process takes about 7-8 days , during which the meat has to be fresh for the worm . And because a dead cockroach rots within a day , the wasp prefers the ' gun ' technique . Once the roach have been eaten up completely and it dies , the worm generates a cocoon in it . A fully - grown wasp emerging from cockroach carcass a month later .

The Jewel wasp is very clean and accurate self- injection of poison . It begins by stinging the cockroach around its midsection . In doing so , the front legs are paralyzed . Then the wasp proceeds to make a more precise sting, injecting poison directly into the brain to block the octopamine . At this point , the cockroach is able to move around and still can run away if it wants to . But that's the problem , the poison works on free will the roach 's causing them to lose all motivation to run away from potential hazards and diseases . So now the Hornet is pretty much free to force the cockroaches into the direction of its choosing by tugging and guiding victims . And you know what happens next .

Jewel wasps are normally found in the tropical regions of Africa , India and the Pacific islands . In a single mating session , a female wasp is able to produce enough fertilized eggs to put in some dozens of cockroaches . The phenomenon is so attractive to scientists who conducted several experiments in an attempt to understand it better. Over the course of several investigations , they figured out that octopamine is quite similar to noradrenaline in humans , which is involved in the resistance reaction - or -flight vertebrate brain . They found out that the wasp injects venom in a very specific area of the brain of the roach . So when researchers reversed the process by injecting octopamine - like substance in the same part of a ' zombie ' roach 's brain , it resulted in significant recovery and restoration of his free will . The scientists also observed that the Jewel wasp will sting a cockroach continued for up to 3 minutes to determine the proper place , the sub - esophageal ganglia .

The Jewel wasp is one - of - a - kind , the only known parasite that injects its venom directly into its host brain . But there are other parasites that control the behavior of their victims in some way . Makes you wonder how amazing - yet - scary nature , is not it ?

The Tiny Fly That Turns Bees into Zombies

Human zombies could be a figment of the imagination , but actually exists ' zombie bees ' . These are ' created ' when regular honeybees get infested with a particular type of parasite . The bees start to show quite erratic and strange behavior too zombie - like . The infested bees were first discovered in 2008 in California by John Hafernik , a professor of biology at San Francisco State University .
Ever since the first discovery , zombie bee - sightings reported in Oregon , Washington State , California and South Dakota . According to Professor Hafernik , " They fly around in a disoriented way , get attracted to light , and then fall down and wander around in a way that 's kind of reminiscent of the zombies in the film . Sometimes we took to calling it , when they leave their hives , " the flight of the living dead . ' "
The culprit here is the Apocephalus borealis , a parasitic fly that has been known to implant its eggs in ants . The talented fly larvae live off the ants ' , dissolve their connective tissues and eventually finish off the ants . The researchers now have reason to believe that the flies have found a new home for their eggs - European honeybees common in the United States . The flies lay their eggs in bees eventually hatch , wreaking havoc on the body of their host .

The zombie begins - such behavior as soon as the bees This infested with eggs . Once the eggs hatch , the bees drop dead within five minutes . Some bees in commercial hives have been affected by this phenomenon . 24 out of 31 sites in the San Francisco Bay area reported honeybees parasitized by A. borealis . Thankfully , there is not a real threat of zombie ( bee ) interference happening any time soon . At least , that's what faith Professor Hafernik .
Even farmers , who rely on bees to pollinate fields and produce honey , not yet reported widespread infestation . But most of the sightings were from the West Coast of the country . In Vermont , said time employees and part of the hardware store beekeeper Anthony Cantrell zombie bees he discovered after noticing several dead bees outside his home . When he came to a , a website powered by Hafernik and his colleagues , Cantrell realized that some of the bees may be infested .

" I just thought , well , another thing that the poor honey bees are facing , " he said . Rapidly rising issue Cantrell Steve Parise , a production agriculture specialist at Vermont Agency of Agriculture , Food and Markets . The issue was discussed in January at a meeting of the Vermont Beekeepers Association . For now , they decided to trap bees to further investigate the zombie threat .
Lab research has suggested that female A. borealis is usually the culprit - he injects its eggs in the abdomen of the bee as soon as possible after coming in contact with the bee . Seven days later , as many as 25 mature larvae emerge from the area between the head and chest of the bee . In the wild , up to 13 larvae were observed bursting out of a single bee . The infested bees in the wild abandon their hives and fly towards the light source , which starts the strange behavior . Walk around them in circles and could not stand . Just before death , the bees sit in one place and buckle up .

" They kept stretching their legs out and then falling over , " said Andrew Core , a biology grad student at San Francisco State . " It really painted a picture of something like a zombie . " Core , along with his colleagues , discovered that honeybees are most likely to be infected by the parasite of others when they leave their hives to forage at night . They also discovered fly pupae near dead bees at the bottom of their nests lab . This means that A. borealis can actually multiply within a hive and can even infect the queen bee .
Currently , the researchers are not sure why the flies seem to be affecting the behavior bees ' so much . There is also reason to believe that the infested bees may actually leave the nest to protect other bees from the same fate . Or, the hive you can sensing the danger and driving out the infested bees . " A lot of touching and tasting goes on in a hive , " said Professor Hafernik . " And it is certainly possible that their co-workers are finding them and can tell something is wrong with them . "

Print Hafernik puts it rather succinctly , " It 's kind of a combination of zombies and alien mix . "

Sources: LiveScienceABC News

Tokyo Dental Salon Specializes in Giving Girls Crooked Teeth

A dental salon in Tokyo 's Ginza district has become very popular with girls after it advertised a cosmetic procedure that lengthens and sharpens canines to enhance a feature Japanese call " yaeba " .

Crooked teeth are seen as imperfections in many western countries , and especially in America , where braces are practically a - given gift of God to man , but in Japan , a country where almost everything is different , these are considered to be beautiful , even adorable . Yaeba means double tooth in Japanese , but it does not describe major dental deformities , but rather the vampire - like look obtained when the two molars crowd the canines push them forward to create a fang effect . According to some sources , yaeba gives girls a feline look that makes them seem even more attractive , while others say it is a small flaw that makes it look a bit more approachable girl as opposed to the flawless magazine cover models of the western world . Many Japanese celebrities with yaeba , but instead of having it fixed with braces , they just show it off to the camera , and that just makes it more popular .

Yaeba was stripped of the hottest trends in Japan for years, and is now a dental salon in Tokyo has decided to cash in on this by offering to give the appearance of crooked teeth to young women with perfect set of teeth. Dr. Yoko Kashiyama and her staff at the Plaisir Dental Salon, in Ginza district, perform all kinds of cosmetic procedures, but yaeba is definitely among the most popular. Using non-permanent adhesive, she glues custom-made artificial teeth onto the natural canines to lengthen them and make them stand out. A Japanese television network has recently sent a reporter to the dental salon to report not only the methods but the true yaeba get it done himself. You can check it out in the video below.

The Scariest Mouth in the World Belongs to a Species of Turtle

Here's one species of turtles do not want to kiss . Believe me , one can see the Leatherback Sea Turtle adorable and harmless , but hides behind its cute face a range of killer teeth , mouth making it one of the scariest in the world .. Way hundreds of jagged stalactite -like teeth called ' papillae ' line the mouth and throat turtles all the way down to the gut . You just have to see it to believe it .

The leatherback is the third largest living reptile in the world , and also the largest turtle . This is actually a fairly docile creatures , with a diet that consists mainly of jellyfish . In fact , the only reason this is getting so big is because it eats an astonishingly large number of slow -moving jellies . Sometimes , the leatherback may consume about 73 percent of its own body weight in a single day , which is nearly 16,000 calories at 6:57 times less than it needs to survive . Talk about binge eating !

So why should the content of the jelly-eating machine a killer set of teeth, you ask? Well, it gives teeth an evolutionary advantage. The sharp, pointy, facing backward papillae actually prevent the slippery jelly from escaping by floating back out of the mouth. This means that the leatherback was able to eat all kinds of jellies - right from the smallest swarms most massive ones like the Lion's mane jelly. This turtle species also has an unusually long throat that extends way past its belly and all the way to the rear. Then it loops back up to connect to the stomach. So it's like a conveyor belt designed to catch, store and process food continuously.

When a baby leatherback first makes an appearance in the world, it is only a tiny hatchling about 3 inches long. But thanks to all of the water-rich jellies it consumes over its lifetime, it can grow to an average of 4-6 ft in length. Now, if you are thinking about nothing but eat and sit around all day humungous turtle works, you are wrong. The leatherback turtle is a migratory species, traveling over 10,000 miles a year. It needs all the energy it can get to cover such large distances. And because jellyfish are not exactly energy-strengthening food, best bet is made ​​in the skin are the things that have faced many jellies as can be managed in one go.

Unfortunately, despite its brilliantly designed Digest system, the leatherback is unable to distinguish the difference between jellyfish and plastic waste floating in the water that gets stuck on her large papillae. It is becoming a major cause of concern as the fascinating creatures are facing extinction. Serious efforts were made ​​to preserve the species and hope they do not succeed.

Australian Identical Twins Share Everything from Boyfriend to Plastic Surgeries

Australian - born Anna and Lucy DeCinque may be just the most ' identical ' identical twins in the world . The woman , who was born just one minute apart , share everything - a Facebook account , a job , a house , a car , and even a girlfriend . They were always inseparable, going to the same nursery , primary and secondary schools . They are also enrolled in the same course in college beauty . And as if being natural alike is not enough , they actually spent $ 200,000 on plastic surgery to look just even more similar to each other .

Anna and Lucy live with their mother in Perth , Western Australia . The two women looked so similar that even their father had trouble telling them apart , even though Lucy has little mole on her cheek and Anna have scar on his forehead . Our mum has always been able to tell us apart , " said Lucy . " However , our father , not so much . He would say , ' Which one are you? ' " Their ex - boyfriends struggled to identify them as well , a fact that the women had a lot fun with . " We had fun , especially when we were younger . We want to change boyfriends when we 're bored , " said Lucy .
" Like, even on the phone , if I do not want to talk to my girlfriend , Anna would take the phone and pretend to be me . Want to play games like that , and the other person was never realized . we settled down a bit now . "

And by ' settled down ' , what does it mean for women to share it with a girlfriend and one bed . " We built one young man at the moment , " says Anna . " There are three people in our relationship . We are sharing . "
" It is not very strange to us , " added Lucy . " We have a girlfriend and we all share the same bed . We have the same taste in everything, so obviously we are going to want quite the same boy. We are all together when we have sex , and if we like the same person , so be it . For these guys , in their hearts and dreams , they want two girlfriends . "
The twins say they get tired of each other even though they're always together , never more than a few meters apart . " Of course we argue . When you're ready to someone 24/7 you're going to have arguments and get to the root of each one . We always make up , though , " said Lucy . The only time they had a streak of individuality when they are 12 years of age . Anna opted to keep her long hair , while Lucy had it cut short . But that was just a strange occurrence .

When the girl turned 24 , they were inspired by Kim Kardashian and that their breasts enlarged from a size of a AA BB cup . That was the same year they lost their father to cancer . Beauty treatments have now become a regular affair for the twins . They go through an extensive joint regime to maintain their appearance . They often go to the infrared sauna , get a microdermabrasion and skin peels to keep intact a mirror image . They also follow the exact same diet and exercise routine so their bodies look alike . " We Want looking after ourselves , what woman does not ? " Said Anna .
But it is not just a beauty treatment , the twins love dressing up too . Their wardrobe is almost overflowing -8 size mini dresses and designer heels . " We would never wear the same outfit twice when we go out , " said Lucy . Everything has to be new . When we go clothes shopping , Anna I know some top . " In fact , their tastes are so similar that even stop them have been buying each other gifts . " We ended up buying each other the same thing , "said Anna .
The woman may seem a bit too much on appearances , but they also have a heart of gold . After caring for their father , they applied for a job at the age care - delivering meals to the elderly . Fortunately , their joint application is accepted so they share the role and also the salary . All of the money they earn will help funding their beauty routine . Due to the amount of time they spend taking care of themselves , it is not surprising that they get a lot of attention from people .

" When we go out , we get too many guys who say they want to marry or date both of us both of us , " said Anna . " And we always have girls coming up and saying , 'where do you get the clothes from ? ' They love our style . " But the connection to Anna and Lucy share goes way beyond style . They think of each disease as well . " If Lucy 's at the dentist , I feel his pain , " explained Anna .
The twins This warned that their closeness may not be very good for them , especially if one of them gets married or worse , killed . But the twins are not really bothered by such thoughts . Lucy said : " We can not imagine a day when we are not in the company of one another . And , to be honest , I do not think that ever happen . "

Source: New York Post

African Pop Star Becomes Ghostly White after Using Controversial Pigment-Altering Cosmetics

It is a little sad to see that in this day and age , people are still trying to change their skin color . The transformation of the Nigerian and Cameroonian pop star Dencia is particularly disturbing . If the photo is to be believed , he was from a healthy brown to a sickly pale white by using his own brand of skin whitening cream called Whitenicious . The controversial cosmetic products has brought him much criticism because of what it means , but the only response Dencia May need to silence his critics : " . I do not even important because it brings me business "

Whitenicious is said to remove the dark spots and effectively lighten skin in just seven days . Cream has become quite popular in West Africa , where some women are believed to be obsessed with the color of their skin . And according to Dencia , do not think he is he encouraging people to change , he 's just giving girls what they want . " The girls are not trying to bleach their skin . They are just trying to get rid of those little things that makes them feel uncomfortable , you know ? " He said , referring to the dark spots .

Dencia also tried to justify himself by explaining that many of his customers are African - American , not African . " Because white people do not even like light African . Would give Black African , " he said . " Look at all the successful African world. Them as black as Alek Wek . And if I was as Black as Alek Wek , I would never use anything on my skin . " I'm not sure what he says makes much sense .

Critics are not buying his explanation either . He has been particularly criticized for changing his own skin tone as a marketing gimmick . His 'before ' and ' after ' pictures show an almost unbelievable transformation. Many people think that doing what he was instrumental in promoting self - hatred to young African women with dark skin . When the product was launched in January , someone tweeted in response : " This # whitenicious cream you are an abomination and creating more insecurities with women around the world . "
" When told of Martin Luther King Jr. , " I have a dream ... " dream is not to be white , " tweeted another.

But it appears that Dencia is not too worried about that . " When you take pictures and you put a picture of Dencia darker , it 's what you say to people - that the product actually works . And guess what ? These people really want to buy it . it is what it is . did not really care , " he admitted . " I was never that dark in real life . " Dencia insists that it was never meant to be used as an all- over whitening cream . " I'm not saying ' goodbye to your black skin and try to be as Dencia . " That's not what I 'm saying . I say ' goodbye to dark spots and hyperpigmentation . ' "
Dencia is quick to point out that most women will not be used Whitenicious to change their skin tone completely, because of its luxury price point also. A small pot of something that costs $ 60 and you can get a great one for $ 160. " I do not see anyone spending all the money that their entire skin bleaching . Do not see that happening . " He said . " I have customers who come in and buy things for more than $ 2,000 Yes, I do . Do I ask them what they want to do with it ? No, I do not care because it is their money , this is how they want to spend it . "

He did not even seem very concerned about the possibility of her being cancer cream either . When warned about it , he was completely unperturbed : " But guess what ? These turned out to breathe causing you cancer . Globe Everything causes cancer . "
" Whitenicious is what it is , " he said simply . " Take these people for who they are and accept people being honest about who they are , what they do and all that . "
I'm having a hard time believing Denicia really as white as his Whitenicious take pictures of him appear , but even these are digital only changed , the message they promote is pretty disturbing .

Sources: Daily MailBET

Brazilian Popeye Pumps His Biceps Full of Oil and Alcohol

I always thought Popeye was adorable , but I find this Brazilian real life version to be kind of ridiculous. Arlindo de Souza , aka Arlindo Anomalia , has bulked up his arms following a dangerous trend in body builders in Brazil - injecting themselves with a potentially lethal combination of oil and alcohol . She has 29 - inch biceps , which is currently the largest in the country . The most curious thing about her is that they are muscles bulged even though he was not flexing them , as well , great lumps of flesh hanging off his arm and shoulder .

Arlindo says he stopped using the injections , now that the death of a friend made him realize how dangerous they are. " My friend Paulinho , he passed away from doing things , " he said . " I felt his death a lot . He took it , I took it , but he went over the limit . Advise me no - one to take it out of oil . I stopped taking it , and other things as well , but there always will to start again . Yet I managing to control myself , to this day . "

Older photos reveal that 43 - year -old Arlindo was once a handsome man in his ' natural' muscle . But became so obsessed with body building that he took steroids , hormones and horse vitamins to bulk up the Arnold Schwarzenegger fan . And then, two years ago , offered her a gym buddy an ' oil to models ' to help things along . " The man gave it to me , " said Arlindo . " He said , ' Take it , it will make you grow today . " Load me the syringe , put it on my arm , injected it and it swelled up and then I'm there . "

I always thought Popeye was adorable , but I find this Brazilian real life version to be kind of ridiculous. Arlindo de Souza , aka Arlindo Anomalia , has bulked up his arms following a dangerous trend in body builders in Brazil - injecting themselves with a potentially lethal combination of oil and alcohol . She has 29 - inch biceps , which is currently the largest in the country . The most curious thing about her is that they are muscles bulged even though he was not flexing them , as well , great lumps of flesh hanging off his arm and shoulder .
Arlindo says he stopped using the injections , now that the death of a friend made him realize how dangerous they are. " My friend Paulinho , he passed away from doing things , " he said . " I felt his death a lot . He took it , I took it , but he went over the limit . Advise me no - one to take it out of oil . I stopped taking it , and other things as well , but there always will to start again . Yet I managing to control myself , to this day . "
Older photos reveal that 43 - year -old Arlindo was once a handsome man in his ' natural' muscle . But became so obsessed with body building that he took steroids , hormones and horse vitamins to bulk up the Arnold Schwarzenegger fan . And then, two years ago , offered her a gym buddy an ' oil to models ' to help things along . " The man gave it to me , " said Arlindo . " He said , ' Take it , it will make you grow today . " Load me the syringe , put it on my arm , injected it and it swelled up and then I'm there . "

The things that he injected into his arm about mineral oil , such as unscented baby oil . Also contained small amounts of alcohol and anesthetic . By Arlindo , the concoction easily purchased online or under - the- counter in some drug stores . And though he stopped using it , he said that the trend is very present all over Brazil and other parts of South America . " To get a body like mine , it is very difficult if you are not getting anything . Few people take it but do not admit it , " he said . " Have you seen ever a man as big as me claiming it is natural ? She lies , I tell you . Least I tell the truth . "
Due to the unique size of his arm , Arlindo was nicknamed ' The Mountain ' in his hometown, where he lives with his elderly mother . When he first started with , his family was horrified at the results . " He was a good man , not a bad person , " said Marineide , his sister. " He was very gentle and done many favors for people . Yet there are some people who make fun of him . Some people find it interesting . And there are some people who think he is from another planet . " Arlindo 's brother Adriano , on the other hand , believes the beefcake look has its advantages . " The women around here and other places admire him . They think she looks beautiful . "

For all the bulk in his arms , I find that I'm unable to ignore the fact that Arlindo is very attractive soft . I'm not sure if that 's because he says he stopped using his ' enhancement ' . And I really do not know about the fascinating bit - I would take natural fit and great over artificial any day !