Brazilian Popeye Pumps His Biceps Full of Oil and Alcohol

I always thought Popeye was adorable , but I find this Brazilian real life version to be kind of ridiculous. Arlindo de Souza , aka Arlindo Anomalia , has bulked up his arms following a dangerous trend in body builders in Brazil - injecting themselves with a potentially lethal combination of oil and alcohol . She has 29 - inch biceps , which is currently the largest in the country . The most curious thing about her is that they are muscles bulged even though he was not flexing them , as well , great lumps of flesh hanging off his arm and shoulder .

Arlindo says he stopped using the injections , now that the death of a friend made him realize how dangerous they are. " My friend Paulinho , he passed away from doing things , " he said . " I felt his death a lot . He took it , I took it , but he went over the limit . Advise me no - one to take it out of oil . I stopped taking it , and other things as well , but there always will to start again . Yet I managing to control myself , to this day . "

Older photos reveal that 43 - year -old Arlindo was once a handsome man in his ' natural' muscle . But became so obsessed with body building that he took steroids , hormones and horse vitamins to bulk up the Arnold Schwarzenegger fan . And then, two years ago , offered her a gym buddy an ' oil to models ' to help things along . " The man gave it to me , " said Arlindo . " He said , ' Take it , it will make you grow today . " Load me the syringe , put it on my arm , injected it and it swelled up and then I'm there . "

I always thought Popeye was adorable , but I find this Brazilian real life version to be kind of ridiculous. Arlindo de Souza , aka Arlindo Anomalia , has bulked up his arms following a dangerous trend in body builders in Brazil - injecting themselves with a potentially lethal combination of oil and alcohol . She has 29 - inch biceps , which is currently the largest in the country . The most curious thing about her is that they are muscles bulged even though he was not flexing them , as well , great lumps of flesh hanging off his arm and shoulder .
Arlindo says he stopped using the injections , now that the death of a friend made him realize how dangerous they are. " My friend Paulinho , he passed away from doing things , " he said . " I felt his death a lot . He took it , I took it , but he went over the limit . Advise me no - one to take it out of oil . I stopped taking it , and other things as well , but there always will to start again . Yet I managing to control myself , to this day . "
Older photos reveal that 43 - year -old Arlindo was once a handsome man in his ' natural' muscle . But became so obsessed with body building that he took steroids , hormones and horse vitamins to bulk up the Arnold Schwarzenegger fan . And then, two years ago , offered her a gym buddy an ' oil to models ' to help things along . " The man gave it to me , " said Arlindo . " He said , ' Take it , it will make you grow today . " Load me the syringe , put it on my arm , injected it and it swelled up and then I'm there . "

The things that he injected into his arm about mineral oil , such as unscented baby oil . Also contained small amounts of alcohol and anesthetic . By Arlindo , the concoction easily purchased online or under - the- counter in some drug stores . And though he stopped using it , he said that the trend is very present all over Brazil and other parts of South America . " To get a body like mine , it is very difficult if you are not getting anything . Few people take it but do not admit it , " he said . " Have you seen ever a man as big as me claiming it is natural ? She lies , I tell you . Least I tell the truth . "
Due to the unique size of his arm , Arlindo was nicknamed ' The Mountain ' in his hometown, where he lives with his elderly mother . When he first started with , his family was horrified at the results . " He was a good man , not a bad person , " said Marineide , his sister. " He was very gentle and done many favors for people . Yet there are some people who make fun of him . Some people find it interesting . And there are some people who think he is from another planet . " Arlindo 's brother Adriano , on the other hand , believes the beefcake look has its advantages . " The women around here and other places admire him . They think she looks beautiful . "

For all the bulk in his arms , I find that I'm unable to ignore the fact that Arlindo is very attractive soft . I'm not sure if that 's because he says he stopped using his ' enhancement ' . And I really do not know about the fascinating bit - I would take natural fit and great over artificial any day !

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