The Town That Hanged an Elephant – The Chilling Story of Murderous Mary

It is hard to say whether the picture is fake or real . Either way , the story of Mary - the only elephant in the world to be deleted hanged - will send shivers down your spine . Cruelty towards animals is by no means rare , but stories like this seriously leave you wondering if there's any hope for us humans .

Mary 's fate was sealed on a cold afternoon in February 1916 when traveling circus Charlie 's Spark arrived in the small town of Kingsport , Tennessee . He was the star of the circus - he could pick out 25 musical sound horn with her ​​trunk . He was also the champion pitcher circus ' baseball team . As a promotional activity , conducted the circus parade along the main street that day . Maria , or ' fatal Mary ' as he was known later, was ridden by a 38 - year -old Walter Eldridge .

Eldridge happened to be a drifter - he has just joined the circus before the day and had no experience of handling elephants . But that was of no concern ; she would do fine as long as he can handle the ' elephant stick ' - a long shaft with a sharp spear tip . Jumbo Stick is a well- known instrument that evokes intense fear out of tortured creatures. To make an elephant to perform tricks , it first must be broken down into subservience . And that's where the stick comes in handy . Trainers repeatedly poke the giant creatures until they bleed profusely . Eventually they will do anything the trainer asks , to avoid the stick .

Mary was obviously trained to stick too . He wants to do as long as he held Eldridge arranged it - or so he thought . Unfortunately , on that fateful afternoon , happened to be suffering from an abscessed tooth painfully Mary . He stopped during the parade to chew on a piece of watermelon rind and Eldridge jabbed him to keep moving , tackle him to the exact spot of infection .

Once he made ​​the decision to kill the elephant , I suppose Spark would milk it for all its worth . So he made a spectacle of killing . There was much deliberation in the way of killing ( can see elephants eating poison and electrocution is not an option in a small town ) . Some suggested that Mary was crushed between two railway engines . Others asked for his head and legs tied to the train heading off opposite directions , dismembering his life .
Finally , Spark lived with spectacular idea of hanging . Anyone heard of hanging an elephant - the idea sounds very ridiculous, right ? But Spark had plans of his own . The town of Erwin - the circus ' next stop - had a 100 - ton crane used to lift the train carriages . It was perfect for the job . He even offered the crowd a free viewing of the wind , in exchange for use of the crane .

On the day of the hanging, Mary led the railway yard with the other four elephants from the circus . A chain was placed around his head and one of his legs are tethered to a rail to stop her from running away . As the crane whirred into action and hoisted him up , a loud crunching noise filled the air . The genius seems to have forgotten to release the chain around the legs of Mary - her bones and ligaments of NASA under all the strain .

But it is nowhere near the end . The tragic comedy of errors continues - he raised only 5 feet in the air when NASA's chain and he crashes to the ground , breaking his hip immediately . " It made ​​a right smart little racket , " recalled one of the viewers . Mary was in terrible pain as a stronger chain attached to his neck . This time , worked workmanship .

Mary was raised high in the air as her great legs thrashed around and he slowly choked to death . The audience cheered and laughed , even while he discharged terrible shrieks of agony. He was left hanging for half - an hour before declared a vet her dead .

The picture of the gruesome end of Mary are often perceived to be a fake . Comparing it to other photos taken at the time, however , do not point towards its authenticity . It is rumored that a large grave is dug out for her with a steam shovel , but the exact location is not known .

And here's the bit that really breaks your heart - as the circus prepares to leave , one of the remaining elephants broke away from the common man and ran back toward the site of the hanging . Perhaps it is mimicking the behavior of wild elephants back bone of fallen members of the family for many years . Or maybe it was just looking for Mary . Either way , Mary is gone for good . And that's the only consolation - its muted suffering is finally put to an end .

Flesh-Eating Disease Spreading in Pangasinan

Manila , Philippines - ABS - CBN late night newscast Bandila on Monday, February 24, 2014 aired the story about the mysterious disease in the province of Pangasinan, who allegedly coincides with the prophecy of Jesus and Vincent Selvakumar Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj Founders Ministries .

Said the Indian prophet April 2013 at the Cuneta Astrodome for the 24th National Prayer gathering a grievous disease spread around the world , will consume the flesh of men and overtake the bone . He claimed that this disease will start from Manila , Philippines .

" The Lord says there is a place called Wales . Says the Lord is in the northernmost part of your land . From there a grievous disease spread around the world . It was empty of men : all their upper ( outer ) skin will begin to decay . this loophole bones . the fear that this disease has spread throughout the world . said Lord it ( illness ) will start from the Philippines . "

"It is then spread in Cebu." 

Brother. Vincent Selvakumar Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj and made ​​the prophecy to advise Filipinos risks will come true if residents do not repent and pray. 

"If you do not repent and pray, God planned much destruction all over the Philippines which is very harmful.'s Cup of God's wrath over the Philippines is very very harmful. Disaster will have much the whole earth. A Lord will give you over to flood and water. torture Lord your land with typhoons and hurricanes. the Lord will plague the land with the disease. Yahweh will punish your land hunger and scattering, "said Sadhu. 

Apart from the said rare diseases, Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj prophecy also tsunami in Japan and the super-storm Yolanda Samar and Leyte.

The shocking news about Pangasinan netizens brings fear right after the story aired. Twitter Philippines, topics such as 'Wales', "# PrayforPangasinan" and # misteryosongsakitsabandila "trended away. 

Watch Part 1 of Flag featured stories about the mysterious disease (flesh-eating disease) inPangasinan here. Youtube video courtesy of ABS-CBN News.

Vietnamese Man Still Sleeps with His Dead Wife

Le Van , the man who made ​​the head two years ago after it was discovered he was sleeping with his dead wife for five years , has confirmed he is still sleeping with his beloved , and authorities can not make anything to stop him .
The story about Le Van strange sleeping habit broke out at the end of 2009 . Vietnamese papers posted pictures of a man sleeping with a man -shaped gypsum statue containing the body of her dead husband . We covered the story and you can read about it here , but long story short , the person can not cope with the loss of his soul mate so he dug up her lips , put them inside the statue and continue sharing a bed with him . It is one of the strangest news of 2009 , but I am sure that once word got out , local authorities will somehow convince Le Van to bury the remains of his beloved wife . I was wrong .

Reporters Nguoi Lao Dong from newspaper house recently visited Le Van Quang Nam , and was surprised to find the enormous gypsum statue containing the remains of her husband still in their beds . The 57 - year -old man said he Sleeps with his wife dead to train back to its previous incarnation . " I am not a man in my previous incarnation . Sins I committed in my previous incarnation, so I should be a man in the incarnation . At incarnation I have to train myself to go back to previous incarnation, " that does not make much sense to me , nor allowing her little boy to share a house with her ​​mother seeds encased in gypsum .

Apparently , the local government urged Le Van to bury the bones of her husband after media reported his story in 2009 , but he just refused and they have no power to compel him . He clearly was not paying more attention to the part " until death do us part " of their wedding ceremony .

Swallowable Perfume Makes Your Sweat Smell Nice

Netherlands -based artist Lucy McCrae teamed up with synthetic biologist to create a perfume pill that actually turns your sweat into a fragrance .

Swears has never been known for its great smell , but that 's all going to change soon " Swallowable Parfum " becomes a reality . Australian artist Lucy McCrae is currently working on a revolutionary pill designed to deliver perfume directly into the body , the skin on a atomiser . ' Swallowable Parfum is a digestible scented capsule that emits a unique odor through your own perspiration , ' McCrae writes on his website . Pill is important to sweat a fragrance to have its own characteristics for each person , because we are genetically unique .

For this project Lucy teamed up with synthetic biologist Sheref Mansy , and although swallowable perfume skin is still developing , the two hope their pill will create a " biologically enhanced second skin synthesize directly from the natural processes of the body . ' " Once absorbed , the capsule enables the skin to become a platform , an atomizer . Fragrance molecules are excreted through the skin 's surface during perspiration , leaving tiny droplets on the skin that emanate a unique odor , " McCrae says , adding that " thepotency perfume is determined by acclimatization to each individual temperature , stress , exercise , or sexual arousal . "
May Swallowable Parfum no scheduled release date yet , but the artist who created a promotional video describing the perfume pill as a " new cycle of growth " .

Cat Breeders Discover New Breed of Felines That Look Like Werewolves

Breeders based in Tennessee made ​​a new breed of cat with a touch of the supernatural. The 'Lykoi' has the appearance of a werewolf, but apparently behaves more like a dog. Due to a genetic mutation in a domestic shorthair cat, Lykoi has no hair around its eyes, nose, ears and muzzle, giving it a look werewolfish. 

The name 'Lykoi' loosely translates as 'hungry cat' in Greece. It features patchy hair the rest of the body and a 'hound dog personality'. According to the official website for the race, "they'd hunt around the house for whatever they can find. Present them beware of strangers but warm up quickly and be very friendly."

"There is no human intervention to create the cat," said breeder Johnny swallowed. "Gene is a natural mutation that appeared in the domestic cat population. We are only using the genetics of natural processes." 

It all started when the three foundation breeders - gobble, his wife Brittney and Patti Thomas - Located in the first two kittens. Overwhelm then used cats from two groups of kittens to give birth to first Lykoi kitten. 

When the researchers that a new breed was created, they made ​​the kittens are perfectly healthy before breeding them. Several tests were conducted to rule out genetic diseases. Dermatologist at the University of Tennessee tested them for skin abnormalities, given the unique coat of Lykoi.

That's when they discovered that some of the hair follicles cats " do not have all the parts needed to create the hair . Although the follicles that were unable to produce hair does not have the right balance needed to maintain it . So Lykoi can go completely bald over a period of time . Although the analogy is magnificent , DNA tests confirmed that the cat is not the Sphinx , the famous breed of hairless cat .

A cardiologist perform cardiac scanning to ensure no structural heart problems . " In the end , " said the breeders , " we see that the cat is healthy , and the color pattern is not from any known disease or illness . It has been determined that it is in fact a very natural mutation , and started our breeding program . September 14, 2011 , we welcomed the first kitten from a Lykoi Lykoi Cat Cat breeding . he was named ' Daciana ' and to date he is the only known Lykoi second generation . "

The Lykoi kittens are now hot property, with only seven registered breeders in the world. There are about 14 existing litters of kittens that are not from the original litter. According to consume, breeders currently flooded with requests for Lykoi. He himself gets asked about the race about 10 times a day. 

"We are doing our best to keep track of breeding cats to ensure that the Lykoi cat will be a new generation that has wonderful health, good personality, and the Lykoi (werecat) look," he said. I saw some videos of kittens and I do not know, I'm not a great fan of it. They are kind of creepy. Want to get one?

Photos of Chinese Students Cramming for Exams Hooked to IVs Spark Controversy

China appears to say "learning until you drop " has taken on some quite literally , as the photos show students receiving amino acid IV drips as they hit the books during a late night study sessions for exams in college .
Have you where you are studying too hard ? Well unless you've ever needed for intravenous medication to keep from passing out or collapsing due to excessive study , you have it pretty good compared to the young students at a high school in Xiaogan , Hubei province in central China . Pictures taken late one night , and posted on the popular Sina Weibo Chinese site , show a bright -lit classroom full of students studying the National College Entrance Exam , commonly known as " Gao Kao " . Will the students be buried with piles of books , with dozens of IV bag hanging from the line traversing the classroom .

China appears to say "learning until you drop " has taken on some quite literally , as the photos show students receiving amino acid IV drips as they hit the books during a late night study sessions for exams in college .
Have you where you are studying too hard ? Well unless you've ever needed for intravenous medication to keep from passing out or collapsing due to excessive study , you have it pretty good compared to the young students at a high school in Xiaogan , Hubei province in central China . Pictures taken late one night , and posted on the popular Sina Weibo Chinese site , show a bright -lit classroom full of students studying the National College Entrance Exam , commonly known as " Gao Kao " . Will the students be buried with piles of books , with dozens of IV bag hanging from the line traversing the classroom .

The National College Entrance Examination or Gao Kao, viewed as a life-and-death turning point in the lives of students, senior high school, as it determines if they will be accepted through into their dream school and if they can go to college at all, regardless of their previous academic performances in high school. The test includes three compulsory subjects (Mathematics, Chinese and English), with some optional, and take place on the 7th, 8th and 9 June This is just one of the Chinese version of the SAT, only the students apparently take it way more seriously there. 

Actually I agree with the study is important as a poor student, but doing it to the point where really needed amino acids your body to cope with exhaustion seems a bit extreme.

Bullfrog Served ALIVE at Japanese Restaurant

A video shot in Japan recently went viral after it showed a bullfrog served in a Japanese restaurant is still blinking and twitching on the plate , after living skin and slice.

This is actually one of the most disgusting thing I've ever seen . Singaporean STOMP website recently released a series of photos and a video shot in a Japanese restaurant where people seem to eat bullfrogs while they are still alive . Video showing a customer going to the restaurant and pick up how to cook there just a big frog , sticks a knife in it , removing all the inedible viscera and skin them alive . Then the focus moves to smiling customers enjoying a healthy serving of sashimi bullfrog while the animal was looking at him from her plate , blinking and twitching ... That does not seem to bother the girls much , as he even gives the thumb - up sign for the quality of the dish .

I have no problem with people eating raw food, nor even frog, but eating pieces of it while they are still technically live just makes my skin crawl. I do not know if it qualifies as cruelty to animals, just plain disgusting, or both, but it is definitely not correct. Although some have argued that the wild animals are eaten every day life, I do not think comparing people to animals makes much sense ...

I can not post the video here, as it is somewhat disturbing, but if you want to see the bullfrog literally eaten alive, see the original article.

Russian Dude Has Successful Career as a Female Model

Fedyanin Stanyslas encounter, a 16-year-old male from Moscow, Russia, which gained notoriety for his very successful career as an international body woman. Stas, as he like to be called, says he is heterosexual, and even has a girlfriend, he's just an androgynous figure that makes him perfect for the woman modeling.

There are definitely people out there who believe a man measuring 1.80m and weighs just 45kg modeling as a woman is pretty pathetic, but for his fans and people from the fashion industry, Stas Fedyanin is perfect. The rising star of Russian modeling is often compared to Andrej Pejic, another androgynous male model known for posing as a woman. Pejic is currently known as "king of androgyny", but 16-year-old Fedyanin may soon be known as an androgynous usurper, as his popularity in fashion is increasing rapidly. Ironically enough, Stas is represented by the model Dopamin, a German male model agency.

Fedyanin is often described as belonging to the new generation of male-models, one that is unbiased and open to a more refined, frail, even feminine concept of maleness. Besides its obvious feminine traits, he is also praised for his talent in front of the camera.

See pictures Stas Fedyanin'sVKontakte profiles for hundreds of other pictures, from his childhood to his present career as a teen model girl.

Devastated Parents Store Their Dead Son’s Body in Icebox for Six Years

This is one of those rare stories that are both creepy and heartbreaking at the same time. Tian Xueming lost both his children in just decades, and decided to save her child remains in an ice chest in the house for six years, so he can see and talk to him every time was the massive loss hard to cope with.

60 - year -old Tian Xueming , a carpenter from Huangling Village , Chongqing province of China , I got married in 1979 , and took his wife to live in a small house made of mud . At the time they lived with six other relatives , so in order to provide better living conditions for his family , Tian went to work in the city . Thanks to his skills in carpentry and impeccable work ethic , the Tians ' lifestyle gradually improved . In 1982 they had a daughter, and in 1987 , his wife Yang Hongying gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. To spend more time with his family , Tian decided to quit his job and returned to his native village as a stay - at - home dad . He managed to build a three - storey house for his family , the most luxurious of all Huangling , and he describes those days as the happiest of his life . The new -found happiness simply did not last ...

It was a hot day when they lost their daughter, Yingying. The 15-year-old has gone to town to buy some vegetables, but when he returned half an hour later and he looked pale and tired. Still, he told his parents not to worry. An hour later, they found her collapsed in the yard, barely breathing. By the time the doctor arrived, it was too late for Yingying and today Tian blames himself for not taking care of her enough. Only when time begins to heal the wounds left by this terrible loss, disaster struck again. 9 years after Yingying pass away,, was diagnosed their son, Qinyuan with leukemia last stage. He had gone to university in 2005, and he remembers Tian Xueming would have given everything to pay his tuition and see him succeed in life, only it was not meant to be. In March of 2006 he received a phone call and said her son had a fever for about a month. He did not understand the gravity of the situation at first, but soon he and his wife by Qinyuan hospital bedside, praying he would somehow miraculously survive. He died in July, 2006, aged 18.

Qinyuan loss of Tian's world tore apart and they just do not know what to do to cope with unbearable pain. They decided to keep the status of their child's death, and somehow keep him around. "I told his mother that we should bury him, but rather keep our son around us. He agreed," said Xueming Chinese media, and that night they emptied the fridge, dressed in his body and placed him inside. Burial place they kept their son a secret for six years, during which time they would get seats around the ice box, lift the lid and communicate him as if he had left them. Tian says she and her husband knew it was the most normally do, but this is the only way to deal with the pain.

He knew both his family and his neighbors also means when they pressed him to bury the body Qinyuan, but he just could not bring himself to do it. "I knew I was wrong. Decision I had no great influence on the lives of my neighbors' as well, but I lost both of my children! No one understand my suffering," said Tian Xueming as he gazed into the freezer in the corner of his house. "Still, I can see my son whenever I miss him."


Bagelheads – Japan’s Take on the Klingon Forehead

Ok , so they do not look nearly as cool as the Klingons , but basically the Japanese bagelheads look like they came from a galaxy far far away . For some reason , injecting saline into the forehead is becoming an increasingly popular trend in the land of the rising sun .

Bagelheads been around for years , but recently they have caused international controversy after body modification technique was featured in National Geographic program taboo . Three men underwent the procedure bagelhead in Tokyo , under the supervision of an expert and the watchful eyes of some body modification enthusiasts . They had large needle inserted into their foreheads with saline which dripped slowly forming a sort of reservoir . When built up enough salt under the skin creating a nice bulge , the only body mod master pressed his thumb on it to give it that coveted bagel shape . For some reason , each of the three topics seem pretty happy to have a deformed head .

The bagelhead trend was brought to Japan by changing body photographer Ryoichi " Keroppy " Maeda in 2007 , when he set up a team and started making infusions forehead . He first saw the strange craft in 1999 , with a spectacular body modification in Toronto . He experienced it himself in 2003 , and later asked permission from the artist who perfected the technique to bring it to Japan . And the rest , as they say , is history ...

Keroppy says that as long as it done right , the technique poses no risk bagelhead . After all it is just salt being injected into the forehead and then gradually absorbed by the body . It takes around two hours for the forehead large waves well and the effect is lost in just 16-24 hours . Japanese photographer saying that many of his friends pumped their heads with a solution many times , but each time went back to their normal skin .

Apparently, bagelheads is really popular in Japan these days, and there are even organized bagelhead parties about twice a year. And the forehead is not the only thing full of salt to inject them either. Keroppy says his party many guys have scrotal infusions as well as ...

Asked why people resort to such extreme body modification strategy, said Ryoichi it is because people with this kind of stuff is always looking for ways to set themselves apart from the crowd, and because "we all enjoy being freaks for a night".

The Sad Story of a Man Who Refuses to Wear Pants and Only Puts on Skirts or Dresses

44-year-old Vladimir Fomin, from Kineshma, a town in the Ivanovo region of Russia, is a very strange man. He became somewhat of a celebrity in his country after he was expelled from the University of Mathematics for refusing to wear pants and walk around in women's clothes.

Vladimir is certainly is not the only person in the world who prefers skirts and dresses to pants, but his reasons are really unique. He is not gay or a transvestite, nor he wanted to attract the attention of the media. He just wanted to stand up for the rights of man to wear any kind of clothes they like. After all, women are allowed to wear pants, so why can not men wear dresses or skirts, why is that considered weird? But her fight for the rights of the stronger sex that brought him nothing but trouble. Despite being one of the brightest students in Ivanovo University of Mathematics and achieving a scholarship, he was expelled because of her fashion choices, she was shunned by most of his friends and relatives and be verbally abused and beaten by the local to his home town for walking around women's clothes. But despite all these problems, Vladimir continued his Fromin fight for the right to dress any way she wants, and hopes to one day be able to walk around her skirts has not discriminated against. And he has more than 30 cabinet garments women prepared ...

There was a time when Vladimir wore pants . He even had a wife and children , but he says his menswear scene that is always the same . In an interview with Russian newspaper chronometer , Fromin said he was always jealous of being able to wear Scottish kilts , and the ancient Romans and Greeks also do not wear pants , and that the 25 years in which he forced himself to wear the pants worst of his life . For 44 - year -old unemployed Russian , pants have a very negative effect on mood , well-being and health of both men and women . In his eyes it is an abomination that was accepted by both sexes to keep the majority of their bodies and please their partners jealous . And apparently , he is not the only one who feels that way ; Presented by Vladimir there are thousands of people out there who call themselves his fans but is too afraid to imitate him .

Endanger Fromin started the day he started wearing women's clothes , but it did not affect him that much until it got him expelled from the Ivanovo State University . Then he heard the cleaning lady saying she was not right in the head and he was disgusted to even look at him , he got so angry that she took off all her clothes and decided to walk around her dorm the nude shouting that he did not want to look him in skirts and dresses like he have to look at her naked . He filed a complaint , and that was all universities need to have him deposed . Since then , he has tried reapplying , but because he was not allowed a place in university dorms until he dressed like a proper man , he could not afford to pay rent elsewhere and never again expelled for not attending classes . Fromin Vladimir says that he is looking for fame , he can be achieved in the field of mathematics and science , but instead decided to give her career dreams to fight for what he believes in.

After featured on many TV shows in which he pleaded his cause, Vladimir's situation worsened. He could not get a job, because no one person charter wearing skirts and dresses, (although he was willing to make a compromise and just wear long ones), and the local village with its Kineshma threatened to throw things things to him if he so much passing by their windows dressed in his cooky costumes. Right now his only source of income is the vegetables she plants in her garden and she sells at the market every day. But with winter just around the corner, that's not an option. Still, he had no intention of "mutilating" himself by putting on pants ...

Chinese Woman Spends 11 Years Knitting Her Husband a Coat and Hat Out of Her Own Hair

Renxian Xiang , a 60 - year -old Retired teachers from Chongqing , China , has spent the last 11 years weaving a coat and a hat out of her own hair for her husband . He began collecting strands of her hair as they naturally fell out since he was 34 .

" Throughout my childhood I was always famous for my wonderful long hair , and as I grew older I realized that , like my look , my hair is losing its luster , " he said . " Many people envied my long , shiny black hair so I wanted to keep them , even down to the thread . "

For a long time , Xiang collected only her hair but had no idea what to do with it . It was only in 2003 that he decided to amalgamate it with clothing . "I wanted to find a way to maintain it , and came up with the idea to use it to create something for my wife . Took them a while to perfect this approach , it was only when I was 49 I started to work on this project . soon as I got the technique that I have developed , it 's really not hard to do , you just need patience and I knew I had a chance . "

The coat is the first project Xiang, for which he used 15 pieces of hair as one strand of wool standard. He started in 2003 and managed to finish the main body only through 2008. Later, he began weaving the hat, with 20 pieces of hair in each strand. He completed it in 2011. "It takes great patience while weaving work can only do a little each day because of lack of hair," he said.

When the weaving is complete, he felt that the coat needed a bit of a finishing touch. So he decided to consolidate his name and the date of completion to the cuffs on white. He had to wait until the end of last year to collect enough gray hair for his signature.

The coat is the first project Xiang, for which he used 15 pieces of hair as one strand of wool standard. He started in 2003 and managed to finish the main body only through 2008. Later, he began weaving the hat, with 20 pieces of hair in each strand. He completed it in 2011. "It takes great patience while weaving work can only do a little each day because of lack of hair," he said.

When the weaving is complete, he felt that the coat needed a bit of a finishing touch. So he decided to consolidate his name and the date of completion to the cuffs on white. He had to wait until the end of last year to collect enough gray hair for his signature.

Source: Global Times

TRON-Like Reflective Supercars Are the Newest Thing in China

Looks like the Chinese are not happy with their plain old boring supercars. So they decided to cover them with the latest fashions accessories - Tron-like reflective trimmings. Some websites reported sightings of such cars on the streets of China, despite numerous warnings by the police.

According to Zeng Chaoyi, a decorator car, the trend is very popular among young drivers due to its futuristic and modern appeal. Decor is believed to be made ​​of 3M reflective vinyl tape. The accent is applied all over the car, including the tires.

One of the cars spotted casing Sport Lamborghini Gallardo LP560 is a 4. There was also a Nissan GT-R, covered with gold and yellow lines providing. It is found in one of the streets of Shenzhen city in Guangdong Province. Owners seem suitable part of the casing of the GT-R to make it more impressive, covering even the bonnet vents. Similar sightings reported from Chongqing city as well.

Unfortunately, the Chinese police force is not too happy about the car decor trends. They declared it illegal because it can confuse or distract other drivers and pedestrians. Traffic police said Luo Kesheng: "It is strictly forbidden as it brings danger on the road."

He might be right, but I do not know how much they can do about it unless they also patrol the streets in supercars, just like Dubai police force works.