Photos of Chinese Students Cramming for Exams Hooked to IVs Spark Controversy

China appears to say "learning until you drop " has taken on some quite literally , as the photos show students receiving amino acid IV drips as they hit the books during a late night study sessions for exams in college .
Have you where you are studying too hard ? Well unless you've ever needed for intravenous medication to keep from passing out or collapsing due to excessive study , you have it pretty good compared to the young students at a high school in Xiaogan , Hubei province in central China . Pictures taken late one night , and posted on the popular Sina Weibo Chinese site , show a bright -lit classroom full of students studying the National College Entrance Exam , commonly known as " Gao Kao " . Will the students be buried with piles of books , with dozens of IV bag hanging from the line traversing the classroom .

China appears to say "learning until you drop " has taken on some quite literally , as the photos show students receiving amino acid IV drips as they hit the books during a late night study sessions for exams in college .
Have you where you are studying too hard ? Well unless you've ever needed for intravenous medication to keep from passing out or collapsing due to excessive study , you have it pretty good compared to the young students at a high school in Xiaogan , Hubei province in central China . Pictures taken late one night , and posted on the popular Sina Weibo Chinese site , show a bright -lit classroom full of students studying the National College Entrance Exam , commonly known as " Gao Kao " . Will the students be buried with piles of books , with dozens of IV bag hanging from the line traversing the classroom .

The National College Entrance Examination or Gao Kao, viewed as a life-and-death turning point in the lives of students, senior high school, as it determines if they will be accepted through into their dream school and if they can go to college at all, regardless of their previous academic performances in high school. The test includes three compulsory subjects (Mathematics, Chinese and English), with some optional, and take place on the 7th, 8th and 9 June This is just one of the Chinese version of the SAT, only the students apparently take it way more seriously there. 

Actually I agree with the study is important as a poor student, but doing it to the point where really needed amino acids your body to cope with exhaustion seems a bit extreme.

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