Why turmeric is the fountain of youth and the key to vibrant health

To the many traditional cultures around the world that have long utilized the spice in cooking and medicine, turmeric's amazing anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-cancer benefits are no secret.

Mushrooms may be another great way to get your vitamin D

Mushrooms may be another great way to get your vitamin D
New research recently presented at a joint meeting of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Experimental Biology confirms a little-known benefit of eating mushrooms - higher vitamin D levels.

Marijuana - A cure for cancer?

Marijuana - A cure for cancer?
If you're over 21, marijuana is legal to smoke and have in possession (under 1 ounce) here in the state of Washington. Many users do so for the effects the THC found in marijuana has on the body.

7 great food substitutions for common food allergens

7 great food substitutions for common food allergens
For the millions of people around the world who suffer from food allergies, finding nutritionally-equivalent food substitutes can be a challenge.

10 delicious health benefits of eating more avacado

10 delicious health benefits of eating more avacado
Would you believe that the avocado is considered by many nutritional experts to be a perfect food? It's considered a superfood by many.

Can coconut oil help Alzheimer's patients?

Can coconut oil help Alzheimer's patients?
Alzheimer's disease is a neurodegenerative brain condition that comes with a multibillion-dollar per year cost to the American public, and its takeover doesn't seem to be slowing down.

Drinking beet juice daily lowers high blood pressure

Drinking beet juice daily lowers high blood pressure
A new study just published in the American Heart Association journal Hypertension has found there's a substance that lowers high blood pressure significantly. It's not a new Big Pharma drug and it comes free of side effects. Instead of medication, it's simply a small amount of beet juice.

Nine foods that lower blood pressure

Nine foods that lower blood pressure
High blood pressure (BP) or hypertension is considered a high risk factor for heart attacks and strokes as well as kidney failure. Many have high BP, but most don't know as it doesn't usually have its own symptoms.

Top 10 most unhealthy, cancer-causing foods - never eat these again!

The statement "everything causes cancer" has become a popular hyperbole, and one that some people use as rhetorical fodder to excuse their own dietary and lifestyle failures, particularly as they pertain to cancer risk.

The top five cancer-causing foods

Ever wonder which foods should be strongly avoided by those at high risk for cancer? We can begin identifying cancer-causing foods once we know which ingredients in our food cause cancer.

5 best home remedies for colds, coughs and the flu

From the pantry to the bedside, home remedies you can make in a snap help prevent seasonal colds or cure a stubborn case of the flu.

Garlic tea immune enhancer

A well-known immune system strengthener, garlic shines as an antibacterial and antiviral herb for fighting colds, coughs and the flu. One of the best ways to take advantage of garlic's healing properties is by drinking fresh garlic tea. Sweetened with a little raw honey, it's delicious and helps to heal what ails you. Peel 2 to 3 cloves of fresh garlic and lightly crush them with the side of a wide knife blade. Add them to 2 cups of water and bring to a boil. Lower the heat and simmer for another 15 minutes. Strain the garlic and allow the tea to cool to mouth temperature. Add raw honey, a tiny pinch of cayenne pepper and a squeeze of lemon juice. Drink as much as desired.

Red onion and raw honey cough syrup

A wonderful home remedy for adults or kids suffering from a cough uses brown cane sugar, raw honey or stevia and red onions to make a soothing and tasty cough syrup. Wash, peel and slice the entire onion horizontally. Starting with the base of the onion, layer the slices in a bowl alternating with layers of raw honey or brown sugar. Stevia powder works well for this home remedy too; however, it is extremely sweet. Continue adding layers of onion and sweetener until the entire onion is reconstructed in the bowl. Cover and allow the sweetened onion to remain in the bowl on your counter for about 12-15 hours or overnight. The next day, there will be about a cup or more of sweet syrup in the bowl. The cough syrup contains a range of nutrients, vitamins and minerals from the onion and the honey to help fight infection and soothe sore throats and quiet a cough. Take a spoonful as needed. Has no onion-y taste.

Raw honey and lemon for sore throats

A mixture of fresh lemon juice and raw honey provides soothing relief for sore throats and helps stop the tickle that stimulates coughing. Raw honey -- with all its components including royal jelly, propolis and bee pollen -- is high in nutrients and enzymes which kill bacteria and viruses. The vitamin C and antioxidants found in fresh lemons boost the immune system, speeding healing. Together these two home remedies are a powerhouse for getting over a cold and sore throat. Mix the juice of 1/2 the lemon with 2 to 3 tablespoons of honey and sip throughout the day as needed.

Chicken soup antiviral

Chicken soup really does act to knock out a cold or the flu and hasten healing. As long ago as the 12th century, the Jewish physician Maimonides recommended consuming chicken soup to fight colds and flu. Take advantage of the high antioxidant properties and nutrients found in organic vegetables and chicken. Although non-organic chicken soup may relieve some cold symptoms, it also supplies the body with pesticides, growth hormones, herbicides and antibiotics that are not recommended for well being. Go organic all the way and get well quickly.

Mullein tea for coughs and congestion

Mullein tea is well-known for relieving chest congestion from coughs, colds and the flu. It acts as an expectorant, loosening trapped mucous and soothing sore throats. Make mullein tea by filling a tea ball or strainer with dried mullein herb and steeping in a cup of boiling water for 10 minutes. Sweeten with raw honey and drink as needed to relieve symptoms.

Reverse and eliminate cataracts naturally without surgery

Cataracts are the leading cause of blindness in the world. Doctors will tell you that there is no cure for cataracts and that your only options are to either have surgery or treat the symptoms.

4 ways to vastly improve your sleeping quality and dream life

Too much stress and too little sleep is the fool-proof recipe for declining long-term health

Indian black salve: The magical cancer cure

What if we told you there exists a blend of herbs so powerful, effective, and safe for treating cancer that no other conventional treatment even comes close?

Black rice: Rare yet highly nutritious

Although not very common, black rice is currently one of the healthiest food types that can be obtained today.

Just one dose of coconut oil can tremendously boost brain function and cognitive performance

It's amazing how coconut oil has recently been acknowledged for the healthy oil that it is after having been vilified for decades as a heart attack oil.

9 reasons to never eat processed foods again

Resisting the urge to drink that soda pop or eat those chips can be tough, especially if you have grown accustomed to eating these highly addictive foods as part of your normal diet.

Garlic kills bubonic plague and other pathogen-based disease epidemics

During the 14th and 15th century pandemic, the black death killed nearly half the world's population, according to, Bubonic Plague:

Low vitamin D levels can give you cancer and increase your risk of death

Two new studies out of Germany add to an ever-growing body of evidence showing that optimal vitamin D levels are crucial for good health.

Hormone imbalances and belly fat

Increased belly fat, a carry over of the late 20th century, has become an ever present scourge of the average western waistline.

Nettles a super weed with powerful nutrition

The thought of eating nettles might alarm you, as this plant is especially painful with even the slightest brush up against it.

Seven things every home pharmacy should have

The things that every home pharmacy should have have changed over the past couple of decades.

Turmeric equals exercise in its ability to prevent aging

A chemical that naturally occurs in turmeric root appears to protect the heart from aging as much as moderate aerobic exercise,

How extra virgin olive oil protects against Alzheimer's

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Alzheimer's disease (AD) -- which robs people of the ability to think,