Reverse and eliminate cataracts naturally without surgery

Cataracts are the leading cause of blindness in the world. Doctors will tell you that there is no cure for cataracts and that your only options are to either have surgery or treat the symptoms.
The truth is that cataracts can often be reversed and even eliminated with natural treatments.

Cataracts are a clouding of the lens which usually worsens and blurs the vision as time goes by. It is believed than many things can lead to cataracts such as: aging in the eye accelerated by toxic stress, dehydration and heavy metal poisoning with metals such as bromine, cobalt, cadmium and nickel and lead. Notably, heavy cigarette smoke is a leading source of cadmium.

Dr. Kondrot at the Healing the Eye and Wellness Center in Dade, Fl., believes that the three most important steps you can take to reduce the growth and reverse cataracts are the following:

1) Change your diet to organic living foods. Avoid all preservatives, GMO foods and corn fructose.

2) Maintain proper hydration. Cataracts are denatured lens proteins (denatured = dehydrated). Proper hydration is also the best way to reduce your toxic load.

3) Be tested for heavy metal poisoning and if heavy metals are present have them treated. The only proper way is to have a six-hour urine challenge test with a provocative agent to measure the heavy metals. If you have elevated heavy metals you need to undergo chelation therapy. See for doctors who do this challenge test.

Cataract lenses contain only about one-tenth as much glutathione as normal lenses. Supplementing with N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC), a natural precursor to glutathione, has been shown to increase glutathione levels.

Remedies for Cataracts

Some eye drop remedies have had great success in treating cataracts. Other remedies have also had great success in treating cataracts without surgery. Dr Robert Rowen, editor of Second Opinion, developed a formula to be used three times daily which can be made by pharmacies with the following ingredients:

DMSO - 6.25 percent
Vitamin C - 1.25 percent
Glutathione - 1.25 percent

Famed herbalist Dr. John Christopher also reported treating cataracts successfully with his herbal eyebright eye drops formula. Some suggest that a combination of the DMSO formula and eyebright might be the best eye drop treatment option of all.

Digestive enzymes therapy has also been used successfully to treat cataracts by improving blood circulation in the eyes and helping rid the eyes of debris. Suggested enzymes are:

Superoxide dismutase
Trypsin with chymotripsin
Microbial protease

Pascalite is a creamy white-colored form of bentonite clay found only in the Big Horn Mountains of Wyoming. Cataract patients have reported that applying the clay paste to their eyelids and making eye drops from water filtered through the clay has helped to dissolve their cataracts.

Cineraria maratima, or dusty miller, is a common herb whose juice is known to dissolve cataracts. To obtain the full effects of this herb, the mother tincture must be used diluted in saline water. Commercial dusty miller products are not effective.

Other cataract remedies include:

*Saffron - In a recent trial, every participant who took the kitchen spice saffron had vision improvements, including those who had cataracts.

*An ancient Egyptian remedy for cataracts consists of placing a few drops of raw organic honey (Manuka honey is the best) in the eyes twice or more each day.

*Consuming plenty of carrots or drinking two glasses of fresh carrot juice daily has been reported to alleviate cataracts.

*Eat two or three cloves of raw garlic daily, chewing slowly, to clean the crystalline lens of the eye.

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