The Japanese Emperor: Man God?

The Japanese Emperor Man God

The Japanese Emperor is a powerful leader in Japan for some time, however it will not last as was thought.

Learn about the status of Emperor Godlike - and how his immortality came crashing down.

"When the Emperor passed we have to bow our heads low. We are made ​​to believe that the Emperor is very awe inspiring for ordinary people to look at directly."

Such is the depth of respect afforded the Japanese Emperor. The children are, in fact, said that they are blind when they look directly into the face of the Emperor. Devotion to the Emperor meant being willing to die for him. So, the children are taught in school from a very young age to willingly give their lives to defend the lead. Young people are taught that they are aohitogusa - growing human weeds - that's to protect the Emperor by serving as his shield. It is, of course, be seen as a great privilege. Die for the Emperor is the highest honor that can be earned.

Japanese people are actually taught that their Emperor was divine origin. So, for this battle, a supernatural protection will be in effect. Many believe that the bullets just bounce off them to fight because they are fighting for their God Emperor.

Such belief in the status of Emperor Godlike exist in Japan for well over a thousand years. Because of awe that surrounded the Emperor it is considered inappropriate for him to have any dealings with the affairs of state. He was, therefore, given by the staff of deputies who served under him and manage everything about the making and implementation of policies. The role of the Emperor is far more political than priestly. From about the ninth century onwards the real political leader of Japan's Shogun. Although theoretically the Emperor appointed Shogun, it was the Shogun who is the real leader. In 1867, however, the Emperor Shogun relinquished rulership. It is that person who became Emperor Meiji of Japan. Later he was to give a constitution to his subjects stated that the Emperor was "sacred and inviolable." However, despite giving himself political authority, Meiji does not actually exercise that authority. He was content to remain a figurehead.

The ministers who actually run the country used the Emperor of the Holy like status to get the masses to back their policies. This is especially the case with regard to the wars fought in the 20th Century. The war is waged in the name of the Emperor - Hirohito.

Unlike his subjects, irrespective Hirohito himself God. Japanese thinking can only agree with him. The Emperors who reigned in the past hundred years that had all died relatively young age - 47 Hirohito's father and his grandfather at 59 Surely this fate does not befall God. The faith in the Emperor's divinity was further shaken by the fact that Japan - the "~ Divine Nation '-. Obviously losing the Second World War, the War for their Emperor History, in fact, been shown private Emperor Hirohito was actually opposed to the war. however, obliged him his position to go along with his ministers. later he declared, "I can not override the decisions of my ministers. I believe that it is in accordance with the Japanese Constitution. "

When his ministers were divided on the issue of surrender, however, Hirohito took the initiative. On August 15, 1945 he shocked his subjects by making an announcement on national radio. The majority of his subjects were hearing the "~ divine 'voice for the first time. Said to his people that Japan was surrendering. Called for his country to" bear the unbearable and endure the unendurable. "

In his official surrender to General MacArthur on 26 September 1945, Hirohito declared that he is one of those "take sole responsibility for every political and military decisions made ​​and taken by his human behavior war. "

The Emperor expressed his people at this time that the Empror is not holy, that this belief is a myth, fueled the sands of time. The reaction was one of shock and disbelief. Many committed suicide, unable to live with this reality.

Thus ended the reign of the Emperors of Japan, the oldest hereditary monarchy in the world.

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