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7:13 AM
A variety of case reports provide amazing data supporting the use of sugar in treating infected wounds. Dr. Leon Herszage treated 120 cases of infected wounds and other superficial lesions with ordinary granulated sugar purchased in a supermarket.
The sugar was not mixed with any anti-septic, and no antibiotics were used concurrently.Of these 120 cases, there was a 99.2 percent cure rate, with a time of cure varying between 9 days to 17 weeks. Odor and secretions from the wound usually diminished within 24 hours and disappeared in 72 to 96 hours from onset of treatment.

Like Dr. Herszage, Dr. Richard A. Knutson has had very successful results from the use of sugar in wounds. One of Dr. Knutson's most unique cases is recounted as follows.

A 93-year-old man was treated at Delta Medical Center for a fracture of his right hip. Concurrently, he received treatment for an old injury to his left leg, sustained 43 years earlier in 1936, when a tree had fallen on the leg while he was chopping wood. He had sustained an open fracture of the tibia and soft tissue loss to the leg anteriorly. Although the fracture had healed, bone remained exposed, surrounded by a chronic draining ulcer 20 cm x 8 cm overall. The patient was able to recall the various treatments used in attempts to heal the ulcer-iodoform, scarlet red, zinc oxide, nitrofurazone, sulfa, and a long list of antibiotics-all to no avail. He said that he had outlived six of the surgeons who had advised amputation. He was started on sugar/pI dressings, and then changed to treatment with sugar/PI compound as an inpatient. After hip surgery, the ulcer healed completely in 13 weeks. The ulcer defect filled completely, and skin grafting was not necessary.

Healing through the use of sugar is an old-time tradition that has been used by both Native Americans and different tribes in Africa. In 2009, a series of tests were conducted in British hospitals to determine whether there's any truth behind the idea that sugar can be used to treat wounds and ease pain. After a series of tests, the Daily Mail newspaper in England reported that the treatment had been a success.

Step 1

Clean the wound well using soap and warm water. Pat dry until you're sure there is no moisture left. If there debris or foreign objects are observed within the wound, extract everything and clean again.

Step 2

Pour sugar directly on the wound, making sure it gets into the wound and doesn't stick only to the surface. If the wound is large, cover it with honey first and then sprinkle sugar on top. The honey will help the sugar stay in place and provide its full healing benefits.

Step 3

Cover with a bandage immediately and secure the bandage with tape. The bandage will prevent bacteria and debris from getting into the wound.

Step 4

Change the bandage and repeat the cleaning and sugar application once a day. Rip off the bandage rather than pulling it softly. The hard motion will remove dead tissue and clear the wound.

Step 5

Be consistent. Sugar healing is a slow process, and it can take several months for serious wounds to heal. However, you should start seeing positive


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