Venomous Snake Bites People in Their Sleep

Unlike most poisonous snakes , which tend to bite people either touching them or who surprise them , the great Australian Mulga snake has been found also to attack people asleep .

In a new study that examined 27 cases of people bitten by snakes Mulga , the researchers found that seven of the victims were asleep when they were bitten , between midnight and 5:00

Such bites are not common - most people in the study who were bitten were intentionally made ​​contact with a snake . For example , one victim was bitten while playing with a snake in the garden , and another was bitten while feeding a pet snake .

But 10 people bitten encountered a Mulga snake accidentally , and the fact that seven of the victims were bitten while sleeping " is noteworthy because it represents 70 percent of the known cases involving involuntarily bite contact , and suggests that the bites sustained during sleep may be more common than previously reported , " the researchers wrote in their report . [ 7 Shocking Snake Stories ]

The Mulga snake is the largest terrestrial venomous snake in Australia . The snake bites can be deadly ; However , the most recent case of a fatal snakebite Mulga reported more than 40 years ago , wrote the researchers .

The majority of bites in the study occurred between December and March , when the weather is warmer in Australia , found the researchers . Eighty percent of the victims are men .

Snake do not always inject their venom when they bite , but in this study , 21 patients had symptoms of envenomation , which means that they are injected with venom . Bite victims in the study showed bleeding , vomiting , abdominal pain and diarrhea .

" The thing that was surprising about this study had a higher - than - expected rate of envenomation , " said Dr. Sean Bush , a professor of emergency medicine and a snake venom specialist at East Carolina University, who was not involved in the study . The high rate envenomation may stem from the large size of both the animal and its fangs , Bush said .

The high prevalence of bites inflicted while the person is asleep is also surprising , said Bush , because most snakebites occur when feeling threatened snake and try to defend themselves .

The authors study said it was not clear why the snake bit the people asleep . They speculated that , in one case , " the snake may be attracted to body heat of the victim , " or , in other cases , the snake is just the beginning looking for rodents can be attracted by a waste will be close to a victim's home .

Korean Plastic Surgeries Have Gotten So Extreme Surgeons Are Issuing Special Certificates to Prove People Are Who They Say They Are

South Korean plastic surgeons are among the best in the world . In fact they are so good that people from other countries like China and Japan are really in trouble back home .

Of that really touched , but it is true . When most people get a nose job or lip job , they just look like ' enhanced' versions of their own . But people coming from a plastic surgery holiday in South Korea is truly transformed . You would have to look very close to the 'before ' and ' after ' photos , and even then , it is good to make a connection . So I suppose you can not really blame the officials of the airport for the cessation of tourists from returning home .

Thankfully , Korean hospitals saw a way to work around the issue . They are now handing out ' plastic surgery certificate ' at the request of the patient to another country . The certificate include passport number of patients , the duration of the stay, the name and address of the hospital and the official seal of the hospital 's . Travelers can use the certificate to help convince the immigration officer the return trip home .

In a strange occurrence , the total of 23 women were recently held back on Chinese immigration . They were between the ages of 36 and 54 , and had a bigger eyes, higher noses and slimmer chins than presented their passports . " Then they took off their huge hats and big sunglasses following our request , we saw them looking different, with bandages and stiches here and there , " said Chen Tao , a Shanghai Hongqiao Airport Officer . " We had to compare their uncorrected parts with their photos very well . "

While the average photo - verification process in the human takes about 45 seconds , officials had to spend a few minutes to identify each woman . " They told officers that they were friends and that they had lost to South Korea together to have cosmetic surgery , " said Chen . " After they passed the identification , we asked them all to immediately renew their passports . "

In 2011 , about 2,500 medical tourists visited South Korea . The number increased ten fold last year , a whopping 25,176 visitors . Interestingly , a majority of the tourists were from China . While the Chinese are getting in plenty , they do not seem to trust their doctors today . According to plastic surgeon Park Byong - choon , " Chinese parents even go to Korea for the birth . , The death of a young singer under a Chinese knife cosmetic surgeon several years ago makes people think twice about doing it at home . "

Black and Blond – The Origin of Blonde Afros in Melanesia

About one - quarter of the Melanesian population in the Solomon Islands archipelago is quite unusual features - dark skin with blonde hair . The archipelago , located to the east of Papa New Guinea in Oceania , is composed of a thousand islands inhabited by more than half a million Melanesian people . These are the darkest skin in the world outside of Africa , but curious , about one- fourth of the inhabitants blonde sport Afros .

This rare Melanesian features are baffled scientists and genetic experts for years . Up until now , they have attributed the differential inheritance - from European , especially British , German and Australian , have been associated with the island for hundreds of years . Many of the island was under German jurisdiction in the 19th century . In 1893, the UK took the southern Solomon Islands under their wing , declaring the region a protectorate. The rest of the island was added to the protectorate at a later stage . And in the early 20th century , the Australian and British companies set up coconut plantations in many of the islands .

So it's not completely unbelievable that the dark -skinned Melanesians got their blonde hair from growing influx of ' outsiders ' . The local, however , prefer not to go through that theory . They have been insisting for years that their blond hair is a result of a diet rich in fish and constant exposure to the sun . As it turns out , both theories are quite far from the truth . According to a recent survey , random mutation may actually be the answer to the mystery of the Melanesian blonds .

Sean Myles , the author of the study and geneticist at the Nova Scotia Agricultural College , pointed out that there is almost no variation in shades of blond hair . This suggests that the color of hair is governed by the gene . " It looked pretty obvious to me that this is a true binary trait , " he said . " You had either blonde hair or you did not . " To find the underlying plan to Melanesian genetic pool , Myles and his colleagues collected saliva and hair samples from more than 1,200 Solomon Islanders . From the sample , they compared the genetic makeup of 42 with black hair and blonde 43 islanders .

What the scientists discovered was pretty impressive - the two groups possessed very different versions of an essential gene , TYRP1 , which coded for a protein involved in pigmentation . Moving just one letter of the genetic code (a ' T ' rather than a ' C ' ) , marked the difference between the dark hair and blonde hair . Only one amino acid in the protein variant ( arginine replaced by cysteine ​​) . So 25 percent of Solomon Islanders carry two copies of the recessive mutant gene . That means the blonds would inherited their hair color from both parents . " This is an excellent example of convergent evolution , where the same result is brought about by a completely different way , " says Myles .

Jonathan Friedlaender , an anthropologist at Temple University Philadelphia , explained that the mutation probably arose by chance in an individual . Appears to have gained in frequency as the original population of the island is relatively small . Myles added : " If you can find a gene for blond hair that exists in Melanesia and nowhere else , then there is no reason why these types of gene did not exist throughout the world underrepresented populations , and affects not only hair pigmentation , but the disease is also related to this characteristic . "

The study also traced the origin of the Melanesian people in an effort to understand the mutant gene . They discovered that while all people outside Africa that gene passed down from Neanderthals , Melanesians knew the people with different prehistoric tribes . They are believed to have evolved from a Denisova hominin interbreeding of , distant cousin of Neanderthal man . So the islanders have slightly different gene , which gives them their distinctive blond hair .

Jet Black Char Coal Cheddar Cheese Is Made with Real Charcoal

Manor Farm Shop in Leasingham , England , is currently selling one of the world's weirdest cheese - Cheese Coal char . And true to its name , it is actually made ​​with real coal . Can not seem to jet - black block ( or sound ) very appetizing , but they seem to be a big hit with the enthusiast cheese . In fact , say the shop staff person coming back for more ever since they introduced the extraordinary delicacy

" This is a mature cheddar but it was completely black inside where it mixed with charcoal but it tastes really creamy , " said Dan Mansfield , assistant manager at Manor Farm . " They got the new cheese in stock and is made from charcoal so we thought we'd try this company we get some of our supplies from said cheese . I 'd heard of it before and it does not look very appetizing , but it is very nice . we had a cut up shop for customers to try and come up with all the people who tried it bought an entire block of the sample block . "

The idea of integration of coal and cheese was so unusual that I wonder how anyone thought it in the first place . Birkin Amy Fine cheese from Michael Lee ( the creator of charcoal cheese ) , said : " We toyed with the idea of making a black cheese and how we can make it look appealing . " And when they came to know various mining communities around them that support , they found their ' black ingredient ' .

The company then created what they claim is the first and only all - black charcoal cheddar cheese , made ​​with mature cheddar and blended with activated charcoal . For their outstanding innovation, Michael Lee Fine Cheese has been awarded the ' Best New Idea ' at the Farm Shop and Deli show , 2014 . " Our customers are a mix of delis , Retailers , Wholesalers , marketers , restaurants , caterers , hotels , sports stadiums , the top end of the Chef , etc. , used it in their cheeseboards , canapés , deli refrigerators and other not different recipes , " said Amy .

Although its makers and shop owners insist that charcoal cheese is very real and actually tastes good , not everyone is buying the idea . When Manor Farm posted pictures on their Facebook page , one user commented : " Get lost , April Fool 's was last week . "

Black food seems to be getting very popular these days . Just a few weeks ago we posted an article on Indigo Rose , a variety of black tomatoes touted as the latest diet craze .

University Lecturer Claims to Have Photographed Tiny Fairies Flying in English Countryside

It may be one of the most significant discoveries in the history of mankind . Or one of the largest deception . John Hyatt , a 53 - year - old professor at Manchester Metropolitan University , is believed to have taken pictures of the little fairies in the English countryside . These pictures show her small humanoid creatures with wings floating flying swarms . Professor is now on a mission to get more and more mature to believe that fairies are real, and " brought a bit of a magic in their lives ' .

Hyatt is the director of Manchester Institute of Research and Innovation in Art and Design ( MIRIAD ) at Metropolitan University . He is believed to NASA pictures while she was out photographing the Lancashire landscape over the past two years . The pictures are now on display in a special exhibition called Fairies in Rossendale Museum Whitaker Whitaker Park , Rossendale . Hyatt insists that they are 100 percent real and not Photoshopped . The picture has gone viral since he released them to the public . People around the world are very baffled over his claim , and some are starting to believe him .

" That was a bit of a shock when I blew it up , I did a double take , " he said . " I then went out and took pictures of flies and gnats and they just do not look the same . People can decide for themselves what they are. " Hyatt , a former member of The Three Johns punk band in the '80s and '90s , said that the message to the people to approach the creature with an open mind . " I think it 's one of those situations where you need to see to believe , " he admitted .

Hyatt 's story reminds us of the famous Cottingley fairies image captured by two schoolgirls in Bradford , decades ago . 60 years later , they announced that they were faked pictures with the cardboard cut - out . But Hyatt says that he created NASA is very different from the fairies depicted in children's books . " Everything is stereotyped , " he said . " But there are stranger things in life than fairies , and grow throughout life . "

" I do not believe they are just smaller versions of us and go and have a cup of tea at the end of the day , " Hyatt pointed out . " And no one is suggesting they have any special powers . From my experience , they are enjoying themselves and had a little dance in the sunlight going on . They just beautiful pictures and beauty can make people believe . "

That's really beautiful , but I'm not sure what to believe . Regardless of whether the images are created in fairies or not , I can not deny they look like small fuzzy Tinkerbells . At least they look a lot friendlier than other real - life fairies OC we featured in the past .

9-Month-Baby Charged with Attempted Murder in Pakistan

9 - month -old Mohammed Musa was probably the youngest person in the world to be charged with attempted murder . In one of the most absurd cases in recent times, the children , along with his family , is accused of attacking government officials . The baby was fully presented to the court , and take them - instead of dropping the charges , the judge ended giving him bail .

The incident in question occurred in February , when Musa family home in Karachi was raided by a group of police officers and officials of energy . The family of 30 was accused of not paying their bills , which they responded violently - by allegedly threatening the officers and attacks them with stones and sticks floors up they were forced to run for their lives .

Sub - inspector Mohammed Kashif , who was in charge of the crime scene , later wrote a First Incident Report ( FIR ) , calling it a case of attempted murder . He apparently believes that the family is responsible . So he chose not to leave any of them out of the report , not even the baby . Following the report , the boy and his family were arrested .

When the baby Musa before a judge last Friday , she sat on her father's lap , sucking on his bottle . Anyone could have guessed that babies are innocent, but the judge chose to give him bail . Could not even sign his own documents Musa bail - she began to cry as his grandfather dipped his finger in a bottle of ink and put it into bonds .

" Everyone in the court is saying , ' How can such a small child has been implicated in any case ? ' What kind of police we need ? " Asked 50 - year -old Mohammed Yasin , the baby's grandfather . The case hearing is now deferred until April 12, when the child is expected to make another appearance in court .

Inspector Kashif has since been suspended from duty for negligence while filing the case . According to Deputy Inspector General of Police ( dig ) Rana Abdul Jabbar , a probe is arranged on the incident . " A nine months old could never commit such a crime , " he said . " This incident took place due to sheer misunderstanding on the part of the police and was not done on purpose . "

Apparently , the inspector lodged a complaint against all the men in the family - Yasin , his two sons Irfan and Imran , and their son as well . Unfortunately , Inspector Kashif did not realize that Imran had only one son , a baby . He wrote in the report that the accused was caught on him, beat him up and gave him a head injury . How a 9 - month -old can be managed all the predictions of anyone .

Yasin claimed that the police had fabricated all the charges because they wanted to eventually evict the family and their neighbors in the area . The first step is to illicitly disrupt their line of gas cooking . " The police and gas company officials came without any notice and began removing gas meters from our house , " he said .

" Residents started protest and blocked the road but ended the fight when senior police officers came to the spot and assured them that no injustice is done . Yet later, we found out that the case was filed against us . " According to Mohammed Ahmed , Musa 's father , registered fake police cases against a total of 25 people from the area .

Irfan Chaudhry Sadiq , family lawyer , said that the court should be dropped all charges against the child . " It should be simple court referred the case to the minor high court to drop the charges against innocent children and absolve him from the case , " he said . " This case exposes the incompetence of our police force and the way they are running . "

In Pakistan , the minimum age of criminal responsibility has increased in recent years from 7 years to 12 years , except in cases related to terrorism . But the judge chose to ignore the law , claiming that the case was not under his jurisdiction .

These Jet Black Tomatoes May Look Weird but They’re Great for Your Health

The ' Indigo Rose ' is a new , strange - colored variety tomatoes . The fruit is jet black on the outside and juicy purple - red within . The colors may not sound very attractive , but black tomatoes are supposed to be very tasty , and most importantly , rich in antioxidants . Indigo Rose is a cross - breed between red and purple tomatoes , and is the latest ' superfood ' that hit the market .

I'll admit , I never even knew existed purple tomatoes . The modified fruit , bred by scientists in America , contains a special antioxidant called anthocyanin . Anthocyanin is responsible for fighting diseases such as diabetes and obesity , and the main pigment that lends its color purple tomatoes . And when the purple tomatoes mixed with regular red , the resultant black race turns out .

Black tomatoes were first bred by Professor Jim Myers at the University of Oregon , during graduate studies about the health benefits of tomatoes . When they discovered that the purple tomatoes contained anthocyanin , which also gives color to blueberries , they decided to cross it with some wild red before . Eventually , they came up with a black strain .

" This is the first improved tomato different parts of the world with its fruit anthocyanins , " said Prof . Myers . " This ( breeding ) will lead to a better understanding of how to express the antioxidants in tomatoes and may contribute to human health . They ( anthocyanin ) have many different effects on human health , but as they are powerful antioxidants in the test tube , we do not really know if they have an antioxidant effect on the human body , " he added .

Sutton Seeds , a company based out of Devon County , has secured the rights to start selling a new plant for the first time in the UK . Said Assistant product manager Alfie Jackson : " There are some dark tomatoes but Indigo Rose is the only true and the darkest black tomato ever been bred . They are not as sweet as normal tomatoes and have a more palatable taste , and the nice roasted or eaten with salad . "

So why Indigo Rose so different from other dark tomato breed ? According to Myers , all of this gene . " If you want a really , really purple tomatoes may be as black as an eggplant , give Indigo Rose a try , " he said . "Other so-called purple and black tomatoes with green flesh gene , which prevents normal chlorophyll breakdown . "

" People are passionate about their tomatoes , " he added , while commenting on the taste of the black variety . " The purple color is getting their interest and because it is noticeable , people tend to expect wonderful flavor as well . It have a good balance of sugars and acids and tastes like a tomato . Anthocyanins are absolutely no taste . "

During the growth process , the tomatoes start out green and turn black when exposed to sunlight . This is because the anthocyanins get made ​​fruit only when light touch the surface . " If you choose an Indigo Rose and expose the non - purple area in the sun , it will turn purple in about a week , " said Myers .

But he cautioned against planters picking fruit too soon - it needs to ripen fully for the complete development of sugars and acids . State of Oregon , the first ripe date is usually about 91 days after planting . The black tomatoes do give a fairly good yield , and Myers insists that they are not GMO ( genetically modified organisms ) .

Now that Indigo Rose has been successfully launched in the consumer market , Myers and his team were previously thought of their next big project . They intend to target the cherry tomatoes as the next of several new versions Indigo - anthocyanin series . It takes three years to give birth - the new tomatoes are also expected to be black and very high in flavor .

The Picture-Perfect Pencil Portraits of Natasha Kinaru

Natasha Kinaru is a good , young Russian artists where pencil and pastel drawings of celebrities are incredibly realistic . So realistic , that they are often confused with digital ' enhanced ' photos .

" I am inspired by people , so different , beautiful , interesting , mysterious , bright , talented , " said 21 - year -old Natasha . " Drawing allows you to see them more closely , try to guess the character , to convey mood , emotion . Whether it works - . A portrait ( are ) alive , looking at it you can see the spark in his painted eyes and soul of the artist " some of his most popular drawings featuring topics such as Benedict Cumberbatch ( as Sherlock Holmes ) , Daniel Craig , Jim Parsons ( the Big Bang Theory of fame ) and Leonard Nimoy ( Spock in the original series of Star Trek ) .

Natasha said that she did not draw for fame . In fact , anyone can sit down with her for a chat and even pick up a few tips on sketching . He makes his drawings using a complex procedure that involves layers . Using pencils of different cans , he created tone , then pull the little details , completed the background shading and aligns the last layer . The end result is a character that is so alive and eyes so sharp it's almost impossible to believe this all done by hand , with pencil .

At first , Natasha began to draw the faces of celebrities' just to improve his skills . His visual art teacher always demanded perfection , so that 's what Natasha went for every time he picked up a pencil . But in the process , he ended up uncovering a major talent in his own soul for the taking of a person into a drawing . If you look at some of the pictures long enough , you can almost feel the people in their life . Haunting !

Self-Taught Artist Takes Creepy Special Effects Makeup to a Whole New Level

26 - year -old Sandra Holmbom is one heck of a talented makeup artist . His works are so mind - blowing that hard to believe she had no professional training whatsoever . He admits that he really wants the special effects makeup - a fact that's pretty obvious from his pictures . It appears that he is about his own model , which creates the most spectacular looks decaying , festering wounds , rip - leather eye mask , rip - off eyebrows , skeleton mask , wrinkled faces and more .

I'm totally in awe of what the Swedish self - taught artist has managed to achieve , especially since I can not simply put up eyeliner without disruption . Sandra makeup is nothing short of being perfect . He tries out different ideas for fun and post tutorials on YouTube . Taken its finished ' looks ' go to his blog , ' psychosandra ' . " I get really lovely feedback on my makeup , " he said . " It was so fun to read all the comments from all the people out there . Sometimes it may be some who do not like or understand it . But if you are looking to do odd things , you should take it as a praise . "

His latest creation is lip - makeup that looks eerily like an eye , complete with eyelashes and everything. It took her an hour to complete . It is crazy to see her smile and splits wide open eyes . When asked about his inspiration , he said : " Often I just get a picture in my head of how I want to do this . But of course I also get inspiration from things around me sometimes. Environment , animals , and things . "
Sandra said she normally makeup as well , but face painting and special effects are his favorite . Of all the work that he accomplished , his personal favorite is the forehead - bursting alien he did last Halloween . " Just because it's so fun to do , " he said . His advice to aspiring makeup artist : " Do not be afraid to try it yourself, get it wrong . You can always delete and start again . "

I've just spent the last hour watching YouTube tutorials Sandra 's - they are fascinating. Especially the ' festering wound in the eye ' . It's just astounding what you can achieve some brushes and some pigment .