South African Pastor Tells Congregation to Eat Grass to Be Closer to God

Lesego Pastor Daniel , of Rabboni Centre Ministries , is a quite extraordinary man . To be closer to God , the South African pastor encouraging his congregation to eat grass . She also tramples them for extra impact .

Pastor told claimed that humans can eat anything they choose to support themselves . When he put the picture of the grass - eating event on Facebook , he faced criticism from thousands of people around the world . Rabboni Centre Ministries is a trending topic in social media today . But none of that bothered Mr. Daniel 's followers ; defend their ministers and swear by his methods .

21 - year -old law student , Rosemary Phetha , said that the grass immediately cured the sore throat that he was battling for more than a year . " Yes , we eat grass and we're proud of it because it shows that , with the power of God , we can do anything , " he said .

Kgatle Doreen , 27 , has a similar story to tell . He had suffered a stroke two years ago . " I can not walk but soon after eating grass , as the minister will order , I started getting strength and an hour later I could walk again , " he said .

Facebook users , however , had a very different point of view on the scheme 's pastor . Some comments insult out of the picture shows the followers strewn across a lawn , shoving fistfuls of grass in their mouth . In a picture , actually appears Mr. Daniel walking with a group of people .

" Why is he stepping on people ? " Asked one commenter . " This is cruel . Awe -inspiring . "
This ... can not be true that another commenter wrote , " It is a scene in a movie . Created animals to chew grass and God made ​​man to dominate over animals . Any person who reduces the human animal is definitely not God . "

" It 's shameful . Should be ashamed to call yourself a pastor ! Conducts of God and seek His followers like idiots !" Is one comment on the Facebook page 's church .

David K Carr said : " They crossed the line of sanity in absurdity . 's All we can do is pray . "

Pastor has yet to respond to criticism . It seems that his followers believed to graze by telling them that Jesus' disciples he ( there are more than 12 , he said ) also made new things that seemed unusual at the time .

" There was a lot of followers and you know the rest , " he said . "Let me show you God as they are deliberately not revealed in the Bible because God wants a man to do it , something new . Nathanael was a disciple , Nathanael yet no book , what about miracles , signs and wonders , what about how they who are not mentioned , taught . "

I think most of that is not clear , but his followers appear to be very well understood yet . Why are they so willingly lay on the grass and eat it ? Unfortunately , the experiment did not go down well with many of them . Some of the pictures show the men and women clutching their stomachs and throwing buckets and toilet .

Apparently , grass - food is not only the unusual procedure followed by Pastor Daniel . According to a report in the Times Live , during a service at least 1,000 people in a big tent , he screamed ' sleep ' . Six people obeyed his command . Then he ordered the other congregants to slap and trample on the sleeping people . The six of them are still fully responsive until he told them to wake up .

"You can leave it like this for six months, I love it," he said. "I do not want to be bored. Could also make the police go to sleep when they come to arrest you." In the past, he has also tried to heal a woman from a mysterious pregnancy.

The church is located at Setlogelo, Ga-Rankuwa, a township north of Pretoria. It was founded in 2002 by Pastor Daniel, who "listened to the word of God and began the ministry."