Indian Sculptor Makes Creepy Bust of Favorite Politician from His Own Blood

An Indian man known only as Hussaini recently unveiled an awe -inspiring work of art - a bust of J. Jayalalitha , Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu state , made ​​from 11 liters of frozen human blood , donation by him and 32 of his students .

Apparently , there is no show of admiration for someone who like doing an enormous sculpture of it from human blood . At least that's what Hussaini , a sculptor and archery teacher from Chennai , should be thought when he got the idea to create a bust of Chief Minister J. Jayalalitha out of his own frozen blood , for her 65th birthday . The noted artist wants to thank the politicians for being the " most sports loving CM of India " and for his support of its relevance archery , and because he had a few liters of his own blood stored for special occasion , he decided to put it to good use . You see, Hussaini had his blood drawn at intervals of three months , in the last eight years , waiting for an opportunity to use it as a medium for his sculptures . But he had just 6.5 liters of blood , and the special project requirements 11 . Fortunately , his 32 archery students are more willing to give extra 4.5 liters needed to complete the project .

" Blood means the characteristics of courage , valor and sacrifice of Tamil Thaai - the mother of the Tamils ​​. It embodies the characteristics of CM , to whom I am so grateful , " said Hussaini New India Express . To create a sculpture his blood , the artist first created one made ​​from clay . Then he prepared a silicone mold , encased it in a hard outer shell and filled it with 11 liters of blood . Mold is finally frozen in -27 degrees Celsius , for two months . On the day of the unveiling , Hussaini revealed other big ideas behind his artwork plasma - blood donation . " If I can fix the 11 liters of blood , then you can follow every other citizen suit and save many lives , " he said .

Although he was aware of the frozen blood portrait Mark Quinn , the Hussaini insists his bloody masterpiece is the first one of its kind . " It is , however , only a cast of living and a sculpture of a bust , " said the Indian sculptor about Quinn 's work . Still, there is a chance that it will remain just as Hussaini projects , such as J. Jayalalitha wan't very satisfied with his way of celebrating his birthday . Apparently , he advised the Chief Minister to never again do something like this in the future .