Bar Devoted to Female Self-Pleasuring Opens in Tokyo

If you are a woman looking for a girl-only bar where you can talk about love and sex without any inhibitions, the girls love Joule self-pleasuring bar in Tokyo's Shibuya entertainment district may be the perfect place.

Japan is known for its wide range of exotic bars and restaurants , so it should come as no surprise it now has its very own "love and sex bar dedicated to women " . This is known as masturbation bar Tokyo , and the choice of female self - pleasuring toys put on display behind the bar , you'd be tempted to think it is nothing but a fancy sex shop . In fact , Love Joule is a place where only women can come and talk about the subject long been considered taboo in Japanese culture , without feeling embarrassed or worried about the social impact . " When they take a seat , customers are able to experience a pleasant place where they can openly discuss masturbation , " says owner Megumi Nakagawa . " Since most people view female masturbation as something of a mystery or taboo , it is not a common topic in the typical bar . "

I adore the Joule is to become a famous Tokyo venue for women who are looking for a place that encourages them to be more open about their sexuality, but also for those looking to avoid the press, beginning with by men. "I go because it is a safe place and do not have to worry about trying to brush off men all the time," said a visitor. "Add to that it is also a great place to drink and talk about what we want to talk about women, sex and guys, well the big pull." That is actually one of the most attractive things about Offbeat bar - no men allowed, unless they are with a woman. So single men will just have to wonder what's going on inside every time they pass by Love Joule.

source: RocketNews24