Guy Is Suing His Parents for Not Loving Him Enough, Wants $200,000

Bernard Bey , a house of people from Brooklyn , New York , is suing her parents for not loving him and supporting him enough . He really is asking for $ 200,000 in compensation . This is not a quiz ... 32 - year -old Bernard Bey is an aspiring rapper from Brooklyn . He was also homeless, and blames his parents for his current situation . In a recent interview , he said he ran away from home wen she was only 12 years old , abused him because his family both physically and verbally , and he 's been in and out of the shelter system for last twelve years . He also spent time behind bars.And because he believes his parents are responsible for everything he was through, he just filed a lawsuit against them in Brooklyn Court , which he accuses they made ​​him feel " unloved and beaten by the world " .

In case self - written , Bey is asking for $ 200,000 in damages and demands of her family mortgage their brownstone neighborhood Bedford - Stuyvesant , to help him open two franchise " as Domino 's Pizza " .

" I feel like my parents loved me , they are not supportive , they are emotionally abusive, verbally abusive, " the 32 - year -old said . " . Bonds do not have a family to have a family " when he claimed that he went to the house of his family , he did not wait for up to 45 minutes before letting him in. About his claim , saying no dwelling people : " Why not start a family business and start securing wealth for ourselves? Anyone logical is not going to sit on an asset and let it deteriorate and poor when they live on . Why you do that ? Why live off the state and get public assistance and food stamps ? Why do you allow your kids to live like that ? " he claims that the extra $ 200,000 he would go on asking helping out with the whole family .

Bernard's mother, told reporters things not as his son described. They are not in any position to give him that kind of money, seeing as they are currently living in public housing on their own, and the Brooklyn building he asks them to mortgage only partially owned by the this. Bernard also said he has not worked a day in his life and to go out and get a job.

"I'm hoping that I can come to some sort of resolution with my parents and do not have to go through it all, that we can only work together," says Bey. "Neither interdependent sure, I'll leave the suit Let, and." Said other family members Bernard he has psychological issues ...

Source: MStarz

Man Cooks and Eats His Own Finger After Losing It in an Accident

David Playpenz lost a finger and part of his hand after a motorcycle accident , but instead of just throwing away the amputated digit , took it home , cooked and ate it , and even kept the bones as a souvenir . Playpenz surgeon said they had cut one of his fingers turned black after it following a motorcycle accident .

The man from Colchester , Essex asked the doctor if he could take home with him after the procedure and had no objections . David says that he will always know about cannibalism and what human flesh would taste like , but the fact that going around eating the meat of another person is illegal , is very satisfied that he never his curiosity . Only now he had his own fingers to munch on , and when it finally occurred to him that no one was able to drag him to court for the eradication of his own flesh , he decided to eat it and keep the seeds as a souvenir . But the pump is not the only reason to believe in Playpenz to go through with his unique plan .

" I know it sounds mad , but it was not just curiosity . Toe That is a great little me , a little too big to lose , " he said to love it ! Magazine . " I decided that if I ate the flesh and kept the seeds , then I would be losing part of me . "

After two days of recovery , David went to the kitchen and cooked his fingers . To ensure that he did not damage the bones , he opted to boil the digits instead of frying or heating it , and did not season it with salt or sauce because he wanted to taste the real flavor of the meat . After telling his friends about his unusual diet , Dave admits he got mixed reactions . Some said they thought it was disgusting, while a vegan friend approved the experiment because he had his own consent to do so , while the animals are never given them permission to eat . Playpenz assured everyone that eats his own finger is not turned him into a serial cannibal Hannibal 's like Lecter . This is a once -in - a - lifetime experience that she would never plan on repeating . He is keeping the bones in a box , as a souvenir .

Dave posted a photo even cooked finger in his profile on Facebook , but I do not want to ruin your appetite even more by posting it here . If you're curious you can check it out for yourself.

Source: love it! via The Sun

Woman Has Her Leg Cut Off So She Can Wear High Heels

21 - year -old New Yorker Mariah Serrano was born with a club foot painfully twisted , and yet never wear high heels with her ​​life . He 'd attended his high school prom with golden trainer , insanely jealous of her friends wore heels . Like many other young women from New York , Mariah dreamed of a job in fashion , but it seems like his legs - the situation is going to get way too . " When I was told I would not be able to wear high heels and I should give up my dream career , I was devastated , " he said .

So when a specialist told him in 2009 that he had another option - to have his leg amputated , he seriously considered it . " Mum was horrified but I could not get the idea out of my head . 've Had to give it some serious thought . "

A club foot is an easy - childhood condition corrected by bracing or surgery . But Mariah endured five operations and wore leg braces all his life with no improvement . It came to a point where he was sick of braces and longed to wear normal shoes .

Mariah is still considered cutting when he read something that helped him make the decision . " It was not until I read an article about my favorite designer Alexander McQueen , who would have made a pair of prosthetic legs for Aimee Mullins athlete I knew what I had to do . " Mariah realized a beautifully crafted prosthetic can look good . And at that moment, she chose to chop off his legs .

In the summer of 2009 , Mariah underwent surgery to have his leg surgically removed . It was not easy for him : the post - surgery complications turned out to be a nightmare . As the wound struggled to heal , he already made ​​his moment of regret . " I wondered what on earth I had done , " he said . " I do not want to go out and my friends will come over and see me . It was really hard . "

Later the wound healed well, and that winter , his family presented her with her ​​first pair of heels - white Alice + Olivia basket pinagtagpi platform wedges . Mariah was thrilled . " As I teetered around the living room wearing it , I know I would have done the right thing , " he said .

I remember having Mariah learning to walk in heels . " It was good to get used to , but even girls without foot and leg problems have to learn to wear heels for the first time . " Soon he got a hang of it though , but now he owns 10 pair of high heels .

Soon after surgery , Mariah landed his dream job . He works as a social media manager in the top fashion labels Betsey Johnson . " I felt so glamorous or empowered , " he said .

Despite his success, he sometimes forgets Mariah has no legs now. "The choice to have my legs cut off is the hardest thing I've ever done. Still wake up sometimes and wonder where it is." Sometimes he leaps out of bed, forgetting that he has no legs, and falls over. He says he is still getting used to it.

The prosthetic Mariah does make sense conscious sometimes, but she learned not to take it too seriously. "My friends are always joking around with my fake leg." But he also says that his legs gave him so much more confidence and helped her achieve the life he wanted. I suppose his decision was the right one, then.


Golden Baba – Indian Holy Man Tells Followers to Live Frugally But Drapes Himself in Gold

His real name is Bittu Bhagat , but his fascination with gold earned him the nickname " Golden Baba " . Claiming to be a living saint , this Indian holy man tells his followers to live in poverty , while he himself Covered in golden clothes and accessories worth hundreds of thousands of dollars .

Golden Baba has apparently been in the sights of the Indian tax officials for some time , but he also attracted the attention of the press when he made ​​an appearance in the holy Kumbh Mela pilgrimage with two young European beauties hanging on his arm and wearing dozens of solid gold accessories around his neck and his hands . He looked more like a middle-aged playboy than a holy man preaching about the prize of a simple life without worldly possessions . But reports claim Bittu Bhagat tells his disciples mud they shun their material wealth , even their clothes , if they want to follow him , and investigators say she only accepts donations in solid gold . Formerly a simple tailor , this Golden Baba now allegedly has a fortune of several millions of dollars and travel around in a fleet of chauffeur -driven Mercedes , BMWs and Bentleys .

" This is my way of preaching , the people who come to see my gold , " Bhagat said a word during the Kumbh Mela , in Allahabad . Referring to his refusal to pay a single penny in taxes , the Golden Baba , whose religious robes of gold thread alone is worth around $ 400,000 , said " This is the gold of God , not mine . Know if what is trying to tax officials to do , but I hope that by being close to me they long to be taken in the way of God and surrender their greed . " Yes , they are greedy for life ... weirder still is the fact that the Golden Baba seemed to have a lot of young European followers as well , as shown by the picture of him and his entourage to the Kumbh Mela this year . I wonder what he told them to get them to donate all their wealth to him .

This Golden Baba is not the only Indian who loves to cover himself with as much gold as possible . A few months back we wrote about Phuge Datta , a businessman who commissioned a 3.2 - kilogram solid gold shirt , accessorized with 5 kilograms of gold chain , bracelets and rings .

Source: Central European News

Gold-Obsessed Man Shows Off Solid Gold Shirt, Takes Pimping to a Whole New Level

Phuge Datta , a chit fund traders from Pimpri , India , refers to himself as " The Gold Man of Pimpri " and to live up to this image, he recently commissioned a 22 - karat gold shirt with weight 3.2 kg tied to some Western rappers make green with envy .

According to India Today , gold - obsessed businessmen and politicians are nothing new in India . Not long ago , a man by the name of Ramesh Wanjale was spotted wearing 2 kg of gold , then NCP functionary Samrat wore moze 8.5 kilograms of gold in the form of jewelry and ornaments , but chit fund Datta Phuge found a way to one - up them both . He had a team of 15 goldsmiths working 18 hours a day for more than 15 days to finish a 3.5 kg gold pinagtagpi shirt . " The gold shirt has been one of my dreams , " said Mr Phuge Indian Pune Mirror newspaper . " It will be an embellishment to my reputation as the ' Gold Pimpri people ' " , said Phuge . Her extravagant dress consists of 14,000 gold flowerrings , interwoven with one lakh spangles . It is built on a fabric basis of imported white velvet , and with six Swarovski crystal buttons and a knotted belt , also made of gold .

The Gold Man of Pimpri says his shirt is an investment. "People buy a car or go on holidays abroad. To me, gold is the real passion," he told Indian reporters. "That's why I spent a colossal amount of money on the shirt. I was looking at it as an investment which will keep appreciating" Phuge, which owned about 10 kilograms of gold, there are also 5 kilograms of accessories to go with her ​​glittering dress -. About 10 gold chain (including three chain of 70 tolas or 700 grams each), six bracelets and 25 rings. All the gold in his body adds up to about 10 kilograms.

And if you are wondering about the security Datta Phuge, know that he is not worried at all. "I have my own security system in place. I always move around with bodyguards," he told the press.

Alonso Mateo – The Internet’s Five-Year-Old Style Icon

Most five-year-olds love to play dress-up by random integration of the dress to create the ultra-eccentric outfits, but Alonso Matthew does not fool around like that. The mini-fashionista sports the most impeccable ensembles, charismatically smiles and poses as nonchalantly as a skilled male model. Almost every picture of him posted online goes viral on sites like Instagram and Facebook, and his style is an inspiration to the fashion-conscious grownups.

Maybe Matthew Alonso only five , but dressed in plain suits , pocket square , rolled sleeves and untucked shirts and designer blazers he looks like a miniature human parents . The thousands of fans who see her every picture and praise his distinguished fashion sense about him , but there were those who thought it was too much for his age and that he should be allowed to enjoy the normal childhood . His mother , Luisa Fernanda Espinosa , a freelance stylist from Laguna Beach , California , said he never forced his love for stylish clothes to young Alonso . " I put a scarf or a Beanie him and he does not mind that. After a while , when he was 3 almost 4 , he started asking me for the silk bow and action " , Luisa told news reporters . His career as an Internet star Luisa began after uploading some pictures of his son on Instagram and got a wonderful response from the community . He kept adding to them , and now his account has over 130,000 followers . Own account Alonso gradually tackle up , and he has dozens of fan - pages on sites like Instagram and Facebook . Even famous stylists like Ugo Mozie , who has worked with Chris Brown , Beyonce , and Kelly Rowland , think he got swagger .

" I love suits , sneakers and sunglasses . Want to dress like my father , because he had cool action " , Matthew Alonso told The Cut . To find the perfect attire , she and her parents scour the store big brands like Little Marc Jacobs , Crewcuts , American Apparel , Dior , Kitson Kids , Gucci , Stella McCartney , Bon Point , H & M , Dolce & Gabanna or target . " When we go shopping, he wants loafers just like his dad and I can pay it , I get it , " says Luisa Fernanda . " As long as it's good quality , I'll take it " . Every morning before school , he and Alonso go to his personal walk - in closets and pick out an outfit . He is the one who decides what he wants to wear , but she always there to offer advice and make sure that the ensembles make sense . Kid has become so popular that sometimes when they go out , with fans waiting to take his picture .

"I do not know if it was because he was an only child and he was surrounded by so many grown-up he kind of wants to imitate what everyone around him is wearing?" Luisa Fernanda's mother says about Alonso passion for great clothes. I do not think "he basically Notice he is fashion forward. He was too young."

Croatian Woman Creates Popular Made-to-Measure Penis Warmers

If we can have warm clothes for our head , hands and feet , leaving the man why genitalia ? That is exactly the attitude of the Croats , who used hand- knitted woolen penis warmers in the past . The centuries-old tradition has been revived today by a 55 - year -old Croatian female , Radmilla Kus . An avid knitter , she started off by making footwear for the tourists , but his ' willy warmers ' turned out to much more popular . When the orders started pouring in she just can not keep up with them , so he had to hire a small army of knitters . Radmilla also conducts the 90 - minute cycles , showing participants how to make warmers

Croatia mountain winters are so severe frost - the bite is a serious problem for men in the past , especially during the long horse ride . So in order to avoid permanent damage to their genitals , the warmers , called " Nakurnjak " came into use . They are more popular in the region Mrkopalj mountains of Croatia , where the wife knit penis warmers for their husbands . According to Radmilla , " wife believes kept private part of their warm man allowed him to remain fertile and increase their chances of having children . " It 's funny , because the hotter countries like where I come from , men are advised to keep their genitals chill to improve fertility !

Radmilla penis warmers are made ​​to order , where the size of each customer need to bear . Like old times , he said . Of course , if people are shy , they can measure themselves and provide him with numbers . " Everyone wants XXL , although M would be enough . Such is the male ego , " he says . Radmilla is thrilled about the fact that his revival of the long- forgotten tradition has paid off wonderfully . He even invited to talk about its products in the U.S. , which plans to present a personalized gift to President Barack Obama said . I wonder how he achieved his size , though . He would probably be better off playing it safe with over - sized one !


Male Model Is the Star of a Push-Up Bra Ad Campaign

Who could be a better model to demonstrate the functionality of a push-up bra, than a woman with small breasts? Or better still, a man with no breasts at all?

This is exactly what was done by Hema, a Dutch lingerie company. They bicycle super modelAndrej Pejic Serbian men, to put a star in a lingerie ad campaign promoting their line of push-up Bras. Under V-neck dresses, Pejic has its Mega Push-Up bra company. According to a statement issued by the company, not only women, but even men can get a certain amount of cleavage. And it is very difficult to believe that the model is a man.

Interestingly, Pejic is modeled as a woman before. Allows you His androgynous look to her to win both the men's and women's fashion wear attractive as well. He even walked the ramp for designer wedding wear like Jean Paul Gaultier. Pejic is considered a rising star in the modeling world and also a representative of the new generation of androgynous models. Went The 20-year-old model as to tell a reporter that he did not mind undergoing a sex change, he was offered a contract from Victoria Secret. He said he would just have to, he could not imagine it any other way. But the Hema ad campaign, he was almost proven that such a procedure would be somewhat unnecessary.

Pejic was listed on the 16th to join the top 50 male models on, earlier this year.


Guolizhuang – Beijing’ Famous Penis Restaurant

They could not pay me enough to try a bite of cooked genitalia animals , but there are people who want to spend hundreds of dollars on cooked delicacies like yak penis or sheep gonads . This is the kind of food you made ​​Guolizhuang Restaurant so popular in the capital city of China .

According to a popular saying , " Chinese eat anything with four legs , except tables . And everything that flies , except airplanes , " and the food served in Guolizhuang Restaurant, Beijing is proof of that . This quaint establishment opened its doors in 2006 , offering all kinds of foods with genitalia animals as the main ingredient . Many Chinese believe the animal penises increase male potency and do wonders for women's skin , so word about the culinary wonders are served at the restaurant Dongsishitiao Street spread quickly , and the owners are happy to expand their business . There are now several franchise around Beijing and one in Atlanta Chinatown .

The food and even visiting Guolizhuang Restaurant is not for the faint-hearted . Almost all of the food served here is made ​​from animal genitalia , although most of them are presented in an edible form and have interesting names like " The Essence of the Golden Buddha , " " Phoenix Rising , " " Jasmine Flowers with 1,000 Layers " . They sound pretty good , but it's really neat just penises cut into the shape of stars, sheep gonads on a bed of curry , or thinly sliced ​​donkey penis . The food is strange sometimes also eaten raw . Because the food served in the restaurant is not uncommon , even for China , part of the waiters work ' is to explain the characteristics of each dish to guests . For example , women should not eat testicles , because the hormones can give them a deeper voice and a beard , but penises are harmless .

The Guolizhuang Restaurant apparently dreamed up by a man known as Mr. Guo . He left China in 1949 , during the Civil War, and moved to Taiwan , and later in Atlanta , Georgia , where he began the study of traditional Chinese medicine , and experimenting with the genitalia or female animals . Although they are mostly known for their power boost , animal appendages are said to be low in cholesterol and has been used to treat all kinds of diseases .

Young people under the age of 15 are not allowed to eat Guolizhuang because the hormones in food can interfere with the natural development . Most clients are entrepreneurs who often come here with government officials because they need their help with something . Strike What better way ro a deal than a steaming dish of sliced ​​penis animal , right ? Another aspect that attracts this type of client is guaranteed privacy - all the tables are set up in private rooms and booths , away from prying eyes .

Among the most expensive foods served in restaurants penis Beijing 's yak penis ( over $ 220 ) , or 10 penises manifold plate ( $ 110 ) , but for very special clients , Treat Guolizhuang offer is worth more than a thousand dollars . One of the delicacies are exclusive property of the male tiger , worth more than $ 1,500 and have to be ordered months in advance . And to get a chance to eat it , a client must first fill out an application for a silver , gold or platinum card membership .

Art Students Swallow Pieces of Film to Become Human Cameras

The next time you look in the mirror and ask yourself "What I " , a correct answer would be : a living , breathing camera . Last year , two art students , Luke Evans and Joshua Lake , conducted an unusual experiment in which they ate a few pieces of film to get the system to work Digest . Their art project is aptly named " Do I own my Inside Out " .

At first glance , the artwork of Kingston University student Luke Evans and Joshua Lake looks like a collection of captured specimens under a microscope , when in fact they are still their system to do what's Digest they do best , processed stuff . The two young artist said " We wanted to bring our insides out " so they ate a few pieces of 35mm photographic film and let their bodies do the rest . They are not doctors , so they do not know for sure how it will affect their health in any way , but as a precaution they put the film in brightly colored capsules to prevent damage to their colons ( things with sharp edges ) . Eat after the movie , the two students Graphic Design & Photography waited for nature to take its course and hope for the best . When the time came , they did their " business " in a bag , took it into a dark room and began looking for the capsules . Fortunately , their bright colors made ​​them easy to see . After getting rolled film , they scan them using an electron microscope revealed some interesting pictures of their insides .

"This project is not 'photography' in the traditional sense, in some ways it's image making about photography," said Evans Wired magazine. "There's a big history and movie set of rules around it, but who is to say that it should come in the way?" Although maybe it grosses some people out, you have to appreciate the originality of their ideas, right?

Jacob’s Well – America’s Stunning-Yet-Deadly Diving Spot

Jacob 's Well , in Wimberley , Texas , is one of the most dangerous places on Earth . Named after the biblical references , which also claimed the lives of more than eight divers, but judging by the large number of thrill seekers who choose to socialize it , afraid not many people .

On the surface , looking at Jacob's Well as a harmless spring that feeds Cypress Creek . Mouth only four meters wide , and looks calm body of water , showing very few dangers that lurk within . Also has four chambers extending several feet below the surface . Owner Don Local dive shop make perfect pit puts it : " This is the horror side of it . " The first room is a straight drop of about 30 feet , after which it angles down to 55 feet. This room is getting enough sunlight , so it is understandable and populated with algae and wild life .

The second room is 80 feet deep , and contains the wrong chimney looks for a way out as well , but in fact various traps . Richard Patton , a student at Southwest Texas State University lost his life in the chimney in 1983 . A restricted opening leading from the second chamber to the third , which is a small room with no solid rock . Be careful not to dislodge the stones to navigate it successfully divers chambers .

The entrance to the fourth room is a tight passage. Very few divers have never seen it : They call it a ' virgin cave ' . It is said to have incredible limestone formations . Chamber under a layer of very fine chop . Kicking up can completely obscure the vision of divers. The deeper levels of the cave is so dangerous that even experienced divers have been able to make it out alive. The last known victim was great Wayne Wood Russell , an Austin mail carrier . He is a skilled diver in open water and on the deck Caves , but completely unprepared for cave diving .

Despite the risks, the better is always lured divers intto its depths. In the 1930s, the young man from Wimberley and San Marcos will attempt to explore the cave. They wore homemade diving suit made ​​to cut off the water heater to isinglass peepholes. Old auto tire pumps already forced through a rubber hose to the diver below. But they got the deepest is 25 feet.

Interestingly, there was also the time when Jacob is not dangerous at all. According to 79-year-old historian Dorothy Wimberley Kerbow, "I have a photo to 3 years old at Jacob's well in the family album. My dad would throw me well. You can not sink down because spring you would just bubble up with such force. "those are the times when it is impossible to get off the well. Local historians speculate that in the past century, the spring lather between 10 and 30 feet above the ground. Kerbow said he and his friends go down well in the 1950s, and jump into it without care. It is impossible to go more than two feet below the surface.

Well, a risk Jacob divers, is at risk itself. The spring completely dried up for the first time in history in the year 2000. David Baker, a local landowner who is donating his own property into its custody, said, "When the spring stopped flowing, it is a wake-up call for everyone. we do not want it to be Jacob's Cave.

That is also an inspiration to scientists, divers and artists. "Well Jacob is the essence of life, the creation of water every day for thousands of years," said Baker. "But it is also a great mystery, and that, too is a part of its legend. Some are frightened by that, and some are drawn here."

Sources: Visit Wimberley, Daily Mail

Feelling Lonely? Rent a Japanese Middle-Aged Man for $10 an Hour

Ossan rental ( or " Middle - Aged Rental Guy " ) is the latest exotic rental service in Japan . As the name suggests , it allows people to rent an average middle-aged Japanese man for 1,000 yen ( $ 10) an hour .

Lots of crazy people services - rent Land of the Rising Sun , from the now famous Soine - Ya Prime rent - a chic - girlfriend service , simple option to rent - a - friend and even a rent - a- naked - thigh advertising services . So we have hot young guys and girls for hire , but what about the middle- aged man , is no one interested in paying for their time ? Surely there must be a market out there for them , too , right ? That is probably what the masterminds before Ossan Rental thinking when they decided to open the first rental service for middle-aged guys in Japan . Currently the company offers only two options to choose from , either the 46 - year -old Takanobu Nishimoto , a college lecturer in fashion and style from Osaka , or Mikio Sendou , a former baseball player and current sports commentator from Gifu Prefecture . They both seem more interesting dudes , and the roster of companies is only going to get bigger once the business gets off the ground .

Wondering what you'll get for 1000 yen ( $ 10) an hour ? The website suggest Ossan Rental available for rent in middle - aged men make great buddy to play video games with , extraordinary conversation partners , including shopping or errand man and can help you pass time in a more satisfactory way . The site is fairly easy to navigate and operate . All you need to do is put the middle- aged man like a virtual shopping cart and pay on delivery . There's even a Ossan rental hotline available , which just happens not to be at home as one of the guys on offer . Takanobu says he is available 24 /7 and that he must do his best to take your call at any time . Sounds pretty professional to me ...

via RocketNews24

The Man-Fur Coat Is Made Entirely from Male Chest Hair

English designer who spent 200 hours woven over a million strands of hair male breast to create stylish fur coat . The aptly named Man - fur coat is 100 % real and it can be for the modest price of £ 2499 ( $ 3900 ) you .

We feature some stunning exotic clothing accessories in the past , but a coat made ​​from men's chest hair ? That was the first , even for us . Stranger still is the fact that it commissioned a dairy company Arla English called , to promote their new chocolate milk , Wing - Co , which is aimed at men . The drink , which contains 40 percent more protein to other chocolate milks , is marketed as " manly chocolate milk for men with added people . " Apparently , Arla believes the British people have been " Manning down " in recent years , and the coat is meant to make them feel proud of their sportsmanship , rather than repressing it . " We commissioned the Man - fur coat as a wake - up call for the country gents . One way to encourage them to readopt the amount of assured ' masculine men ' from yesteryear who would laugh nonchalantly in front of emergency and proud of their liberal masculinity , " said a company spokesman .

The Man-fur coat is the latest in a series of parody advertisements called "Lait d'Homme", but it is actually for sale, if someone really wants to walk around with chest hair range. To 2,499 pounds ($ 3,900) is pretty expensive too, but then again natural fur has never been cheap.

If you find attractive human hair dress, you may want to check out the Vietnamese coat made ​​from a million meters of hair, or wedding gown is also made entirely of human hair.


Mr. Incredibeard and His Truly Incredible Beard Styles

29-year-old Isiah Webb is blessed with amazing genes that helped him grow a truly legendary beard. It is rare to find someone these days with such a thick overgrowth of facial hair. But Webb is not content with just having a long beard. He has transformed it into various strange shapes and styles, posted the pictures online and watched them go viral.

Webb calls himself 'Mr. Incredibeard'. "Beards run in my family, so I gave always really known: it's kind of tradition," he said. "One of my ancestors, Jay Gould, a railroad tycoon with stunning amazing beard, and we really look alike in many ways. Maybe one day I will be able to make a few billion dollars as a tycoon beard. "

I must say , he looks like he is well on his way to becoming a ' beard tycoon ' , if there really is such a thing . With its said it in so many creative ways - to eat a bowl of noodles , a ' beard bearded dwarf ' , a ' stairway to heaven beard ' , and even a ' shake fries & a beard ' . Yes , he actually uses his beard to hold a burger , some fries and a shake to his hands are completely free . I think that 's just for the picture though , I suppose that he would actually eat food off his beard . Oh , wait , he will . Isiah puts up these photographs every Monday , in its various social media profiles .

Webb gives most of the credit for Incredibeard his wife - she pushes him to keep growing it and are coming with unique design ideas . " He brings to life the art beard , " he said . " Incredibeard would be nothing without him . " In his blog , he talks about the different products he uses and gives style tips to her fellow beard enthusiast .

His secret go-to product for all kinds of style mustache logger Wax the bearded bastard and Beard Oil. With such a long name, the product better live up to expectations. And it does, but there are consequences. "If you've ever wanted to smell like a lumberjack in the middle of Alaska with an ax in one hand while using the other hand to slap a bear in the face with a salmon, is the product you want," says Webb. He paints quite the picture, does he?

But Mr Incredibeard's work goes way beyond his beard. Through its projects and blog, she trying to raise money for good causes. Currently, Webb is trying to raise funds to provide clean water to children, by selling merchandise Incredibeard.

"We are Using the inherent power of the beard to combat the lack of clean water in the world," he wrote on his blog. "In an effort to limit the number of child deaths every year we've partnered with World Vision, a non-profit humanitarian organization. Through this partnership we provide children with access to clean water."

Webb practically worships his beard and encourages all people to try growing one. "The greatest and most profound things a person can do is grow a beard," he said. "Everybody should try to grow a beard at one point in their lives. Man they succeed or not is not the point, all that matters is to try them. A real beard is not in your face, but in your heart. "

Hooker’s Lips – The World’s Most Kissable Plant

Here's a dumb question: if (child) Mick Jagger is a plant, what he has become? Probably Psychotria elata, commonly known as Molly's Plant debris or Hot lips for the shape of its bright red bracts that resemble two luscious lips.

It may look like exotic plants employed a software editing picture, but I can assure you the kissable lips all natural. Found in the tropical rain forests of Central and South American countries such as Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama and Ecuador, the plant Psychotria Elatra seems to grow to its present shape to attract pollinators including hummingbirds and Butterflies. Affectionately known as Molly lips, unusual flowers are unfortunately become endangered due to uncontrolled deforestation in the countries mentioned above. So if ever you want to plant a kiss on Mother Nature, you find yourself plant Hot lips and do it while you still can. The bracts are kissable only for a short while, before they spread open to reveal the plant's flowers.

The Amazing Orchid That Looks Like a Monkey’s Face

It is not very difficult to predict how the Monkey Orchid got its name, but since it has pictures started circulating on the internet about a year ago, people had a hard time believing actually exist like flowers.

As photoshoped as it can see , Monkey Orchid really exist , and yes , it really does match the grinning face of a tiny monkey . The scientific name of this flower is very simia Dracula , with early hinting resemblance between its two long fangs Spurs famous as Bram Stoker's vampire , and the second meaning " monkey " in Latin . It grows only in the mountainous regions of Ecuador , Colombia and Peru , at an elevation of between 1,000 and 2,000 meters above sea level , but there are some lucky collectors who managed to grow it in " captivity " . The Monkey summer orchids are not certain , and in its natural habitat so it flowers at any time . As if its striking resemblance to a monkey 's face was not enough astounding , it really smells flowers much like a ripe orange , as well . Which is kind of ironic , because with a face like you would expect it to smell like bananas , right ?