The emotional moment homeless man brings listeners to tears with impromptu piano performance in second-hand store

This is the moment of a person's home where the frostbitten fingers have been left deformed after years of living on the streets stunned customers at a second hand store with his God given talent for music.

David Allen Welsh grew up riding the train and flitting between houses Address for Iowa and North and South Dakota after losing her home at the age of six.

After settling in the Pacific Northwest ten years ago, the 50-year-old was visiting Second Hand Solutions in Vancouver, Washington, twice a month for the last year to play the piano.

Mr. Walsh recalled teaching himself how to play the piano borrowed instruments home Address for throughout his childhood.


Despite bringing classical music enthusiasts with tears in his presentation, the people can not read a single note.

'I showed a video of him playing a piano teacher and he immediately pointed out that he's using his left hand as a major and his right hand to play the melody, "said Rebecca Gore, assistant store manager.

'I do not know how to play music, but I like what I hear in my head, "the 50-year-old told ABC News.

'Sometimes I do not even know what key I'm pushing. My eyes were not even open, I'm just letting the music play music. '

James Maynard, a customer who lives next door to the store, welled up when he heard the boys playing.

'He started to play and I choked on my coffee and it started coming out my nose!' said longtime fan of classical music.

'I am the tears coming to my eyes when I saw his fingers off one end of the piano to another.'

Mr Welsh said sharing his gift helped him through the tough times, and it was as though his fingers are moved by a divine power.

"My custom is to sit down and close my eyes and say" Dad, do what you do, this is your gift, "'he said.

Mr. Maynard added: 'It was like a divine spirit will come through the building.

'It is a joy that surpasses all understanding, that's what I felt.

'A lot of people in the room had the same spiritual experience. "
