'Models don't look that much better than the rest of us': Photographer's self-portrait series proves just how deceptive beauty campaigns can be

To prove how deceptive changed fashion and beauty images can be, one of the photography students decided to create his own campaign of Photoshop.

Anna Hill, a student at East Carolina University, created four self-portrait images for her final project Deep Beauty Is Only Pixel, and display ads mock just how far you can go digital editing.

'I thought it would be fun to make fun of how much beauty advertisements are extremely manipulated, "the 24-year-old told the Huffington Post.

"They basically changed so much, might as well be advertised Photoshop rather than the actual product that they sell," he added.

In fact, the student turns this idea around and declare that Photoshop 'kit' he advertising serves as a 'eyeliner, eyeshadow, face-lift, concealer and lipstick'.

Miss Hill, who taught himself how to use Photoshop at the age of 14 and says his eyes are now trained 'to see exactly where the model has been altered,' first shared her pictures and Reddit admits that the response has been intense.

'I think people like to remind you that the ideal model we're surrounded by every day is not really as real as they seem - without makeup and extensive editing, many do not look that much better than the rest of us, "he told Yahoo!.

But even Miss Hill, someone who knows active role playing airbrushing advertising, confesses how easy it is to see the picture changed as more 'real' than the original.

'The one thing I noticed when I was doing them when I suddenly went back to the unedited [picture], it looked so wrong and pretty gross, "he said.

'It made ​​me extra aware of how skewed my perception after viewing the edited ones for a while.'

Inspiration images for Miss Hill was first derived in advertising campaigns mascara.

'Mascara ad women always committed lashes 50 percent longer, but most companies do not actually use their products in their own advertising: they enhance digital models' eyelashes,' he said.

"I applied to the idea that a leg-lengthening serum that promised 50 percent longer legs.

"And the beauty advertisement, unbelievably perfect skin without pores. I deliberately made ​​flawless my skin to point out how unrealistic it looks. '