Meet Flint The Pomeranian the adorable ball of fur who loves to pose for the camera in silly ways!

Flint's Pomeranian, 6, is no ordinary little dog. Photographer Robin Yu Oregon started taking snapshots of spunky dog and made ​​him a big name!

Flint is a viral sensation. She models, she acts, and she has a website. According to his site he may even amongst writing her own book.

'I love being a model! Not to mention, the pay is pretty good too. Each time the camera is out, so do all the delicious treat! When I'm not modeling, I keep myself pretty busy.

I have lifeguard stations all around the house and if anyone needed my help, such as removing residual or wanting to use their hands by rubbing my tummy, I always make sure that I can use, "reads a statement on its website
