Artist creates hyper-realistic models of humans

Their skin ranges and gentle folds, hair protrudes from their pores and light reflecting off the tangible sheens of sweat on their bodies as they fed on the bed.

Pair may look like a couple lying on a mattress, but in fact they are hyper realistic sculptures of humans, showing a stone slab for an exhibition.

The model was created by London-based sculptor Ron Mueck sculpture who has been doing since 1996.

Although some of the sculptures is heart-warming to look at - like an elderly couple resting gently on each under brightly colored umbrellas - Mr. Mueck is not afraid to create more exciting creations.

In 1997 Mr. Mueck took part in the exhibition Sensation at the Royal Academy and presented laid an unsettling half-sized version of his own father naked - this is the only piece of work in which he uses his own hair for the the finished product.

Another one of his most shocking created a giant This baby was born, covered in blood in the umbilical cord hanging from his stomach.

In a rare interview Sculptureorg he said: 'I do not think of them as mannequins. On the one hand, trying to create a believable presence, and, on the other hand, they have to work like objects. These people are not living, although it was great to stand in front of them and be sure if they are or not.

"But ultimately, it is fiberglass thing you can pick up and carry. If they succeed as a fun thing to have in the room, I'm happy. At the same time, I would not be satisfied if they had some kind of presence that made ​​you think it was more than just objects. '

World's cruellest zoo

The young elephant tugged on his hind legs shackled so often the manacles were cut through the flesh, leaving it raw.

Emptying not help himself. A chain in his left front leg means he can move either forward, backward or sideways.

Tethered elephant owners Do the youngster because he prefers to tend to his small shop on the basis of the Surabaya Zoo in Indonesia.

Money comes first. And so, day after day, week after week, the elephant is standing there, released from his chain only at the end of each day.

Anyone looking at the scene of pressing, and who turns away to look for more fun animals in the zoo are long leave, as I did, quite depressed.

Surabaya Zoo has been branded the worst in the world and when I walk through the land animal torture I was left in no doubt its reputation is well earned.

I live close to Sydney harbor where it is a joy to watch pelicans gliding low across the waters of Blackwattle Bay. Surabaya Zoo but I just shake my head in despair at the sight of more than 150 pelicans jammed in a cage, trying to share a small pool of water, so be tightly packed they can not even spread their wings, let alone fly.

'How many zoo pelicans need it?' I asked a keeper. 'They already endangered. No need to maintain multiple penned in. 'He knows what I said, but I got only shrugs.

Each step took me through a gloomy dungeon beast. While I've seen eating chopped vegetables for primates, the ribs of some large animals can be seen. A camel in particular appear terribly thin. The capuchin monkey I came across showed almost begged to be released.

In another cage, a sad rhinocerous hornbill looks up at the blue sky, trying to take off from its perch, but no room to flap its wings.

Well over 50 animals that died here in the past three months, says Tony Sumampau, a former member of the temporary management of the zoo's team, who finally left in despair. "The keepers have to run stalls selling food and drinks and it is more important for them to earn money than it is to their animal care taking. '

Zoo, opened in 1916 during the Dutch colonial rule, and next to nothing is done to improve it. Instead, more and more animals are to be pack in

A report by an independent team set up by the Indonesian forestry ministry has called for the animals to be moved to other zoos but nothing was done. Other zoo animals refuse to do because of their condition and the fear that many of them bring diseases.

The state of the zoo 's animals came to the attention of the world - wide following the death of a giraffe in 2012 found that no less than 20 kilograms of plastic bags in its stomach . They were blown its enclosure and the keepers had not bothered to take them .

The giraffe death would probably faded from the conscience of the world has not been for the discovery of a dead female orangutan , Nanik , in confined spaces it a few weeks ago . Orangutans , an endangered species , live until the age of 60 in captivity , but Nanik is only 12 years old when he died , found a large tumor in his intestines .

Sitting alone is another orangutan . I can not believe what I see - he was chewing on the yellow top with a marker pen someone is thrown to him . He pushes it forward between her lips , then sucks it back into her mouth . I fear she will soon swallow it . Beside him , rats scurry in and out of holes in a dike .

I stare at a Sumatran tiger - or rather just face it - as it peers out from behind the bars of his living quarters stones . One of its brothers , I was told , it has not been seriously ill with this Digest tract rotted away due to formaldehyde - laced meat is fed . An African lion has been reported to die in pain , adding to the shameful catelogue zoo deaths from starvation , mistreatment and other unnatural causes.

Agus Supangkat , a spokesman for the zoo , insisted conditions have improved in recent years , but accepted that ' we also have issues ' . The Jakarta Globe reported that it has acquired data showed that 43 animals died at the zoo between July 15 and 17 September this year . Zoo , is believed however , that the animals on the list died because they were old or had diseases .

The 3,000 or so creatures that live in appalling conditions destined to die here , naturally or through negligence , but one thing is certain that they will not die happily unless something is done urgently . Leave A last glimpse of the baby elephant with three legs tethered me in no doubt of that .

Slimy Japanese giant salamanders can bite off your finger

The Japanese giant salamander can grow up to 5 feet long , weigh 80 pounds and easily bite off a big chunk of your finger in a split second . The slimy , mottled Amphibians have remained virtually unchanged for millions of years .

Once hunted for food , the salamanders are protected as a national treasure in Japan and efforts are underway to bring forth the threatened species in captivity , according to National Geographic .

The salamanders are rarely seen , coming out only at night to take refuge in the cool stream around the foot of the mountain .

"Knowing how giant salamanders go about breeding and what conditions are necessary for this to happen when it comes to useful when considering how best to protect them in the wild , " Tim Johnson , a Tokyo - based salamander lovers who observe the creatures in the mountains told national Geographic . " The way the river modified in recent decades has made it difficult , and sometimes impossible , for them to migrate upstream to breed . "

After many attempts to give birth , a man and a woman named Daigoro called Sachiko finally managed to conceive and 500 eggs were fertilized .

Skeletons treated for vampirism found in Bulgaria

Bulgarian archaeologists say they have unearthed centuries-old skeletons pinned down through their chests with iron rods - a practice believed to stop the dead from becoming vampires .

According to Bozhidar Dimitrov , head of the National History Museum in the Bulgarian capital , Sofia , two skeletons from the Middle Ages were found in such a state last weekend near the Black Sea town of Sozopol .

He said Tuesday that corpses were regularly treated in this way before buried in some parts of Bulgaria , even until the beginning of the last century .

Widespread superstition led to iron rods hammered through the chest bones and hearts of those who did evil during their lifetimes for fear they return after death to feast on the blood of the living .

According to Dimitrov , stabbed more than 100 corpses to prevent them from becoming vampires Who discovered across Bulgaria in recent years .

" I do not know why an ordinary discovery like that [ has ] become so popular . Probably due to the mysteriousness of the word " vampire , " he said .

Guy Spends a Year Tracking Down Woman He Met Last New year’s Eve after She Tells Him “Find Me”

25 - year -old New Zealander , McKee Reese , who started a social media campaign that fired the imagination of thousands of romantics internet . His plea for help in finding the whereabouts of his soul - mate went viral within hours . In fact , he had to remove the campaign because it all started to spiral out of control .

I was not too sure what to make of Reese - sweet romantic dude , or crazy internet stalker . Maybe I'll let you be the judge of that . Here is his story :

In his original campaign , Reese said that he met a young woman on New Year's Eve , 2012, in Hong Kong . He spotted her crying alone on the side of a road , he is lost and can not find her friends . " I just cheered her up , " says Reese . " I kind of have this undeniably bad sense of humor that no one can resist laughing . " The two spent the night partying , dancing and talking , before the girls caught up with his friends again . As they parted , he told Reese that his name was ' Katie ' and he from DC . She let him take a picture of her , and the rest of the final words : . " Look at Me "

The next morning , as Reese Katie looked at the picture on her phone , a flood of great memories came back to him and he is determined to find her . Unfortunately, he could not remember the e - mail address he'd given her , so she decided to turn to Facebook for help .

" I was hurt a long time ago , " read his campaign . " The hopeless romantic in me is locked away when he got hurt because it was too much . For too long , it has affected my relationships , and I failed the people , " he wrote . But now , his search for Katie is about " finding me , finding myself and who I know I can be too . Hope to find her . And along the way , I find myself . "

" The chances are billions to one , but I like the odds . This is me putting all my chips on the table due to go hard or go home and I'm not going to give in. " The words , apparently , is enough to touch the hearts of thousands of netizens , who began frantically searching for ' Katie from DC ' . They tracked down the real Katie is not any time at all , and bombarded her with a ton of messages . It all got so out of hand that Katie had cut its social profile .

To make matters worse , the worldwide manhunt Reese 's received widespread media attention . Although he refused to make an appearance on TV , his story was covered extensively . He admits that he did not realize his campaign could attract so much attention , and say things quickly spiraled out of control .

" We saw the girls , " said Reese . " He's from DC , he was not there at the moment, but he sorta took down all of his public profile for a bit . " The general impression is that Katie is not too happy about being found . MailOnline but have different stories to tell . They tracked down 20 - year -old Katie , to get a statement from him . According to their reports , he is very much single and is actually " waiting for him to contact . "

Katie , a student of Georgetown University , Virginia , is currently spending her junior year in the south of France . " I have not made up my mind about whether I like him or not , " he said . " I'm still waiting for him to contact . "

" I do not have a boyfriend . Yet I do not want to say anything until I 've spoken Reese . And he has not been in contact . " A date with her is not entirely out of the question , according her .

Reese , it seems , has decided to let all the media attention freeze before he was nearly Katie . That , I must say , is a smart move .

Beautiful Black Roses of Halfeti

Turkish Halfeti Roses are incredibly rare. They are shaped just like a regular rose, but their color sets them apart. Rose so black, you'd think someone spray-painted it. But that's actually their natural color.

The stunning black roses make great props in a movie about witches and black magic, or a heavy-metal video. There's something quite charming about it, in an extreme sort of way.

Although they appear perfect black , it is actually a deep crimson color . The flowers are seasonal - they only grow during the summer in small numbers, and only in the small Turkish town of Halfeti . Thanks to the unique soil conditions of the region , and the pH level of the water fountain ( that seeps in from the river Euphrates ) , the pink take on an unparalleled color . They are dark red bloom during spring and fade to black during the summer months .

The local Turks seem to enjoy the love - hate relationship with these rare blossoms . They consider flowers to be the symbol of mystery , hope and love, and also of death and bad news . Unfortunately , the black rose Halfeti is an endangered species . They have been under threat of extinction since the residents of the village moved from the ' old Halfeti ' in 1990 , when the Birecik Dam was built .

Old Halfeti and many other villages were submerged under the waters of the Euphrates, when the dam was made​​. The new Halfeti village was re-built on the basis of Karaotlak village, merely 10 kilometers from the old location

Proved fatal for good black pink short distance. The Villagers replanted them in their new garden, but the flowers do not take to their new environment as well. There was a steady decline in the number of black roses to grow in the region.

District officials have made efforts to save the roses. They collected seedlings from village homes and replanted them closer to their original environment greenhouses. They are doing slightly better, ever since.

Seeing a black rose in full bloom is a once-in-a-lifetime kind of thing. Do not miss it if you ever happen to be in Turkey during the summer!

Girls Licking Doorknobs – More Madness from Japan

It looks like Japan is in the news , more often than not , for bizarre activities . The latest making waves on the internet is a Tumblr blog with pictures of girls licking doorknobs .

The work belongs to illustrator Ryuko Azuma , who says the idea started as many good ones do - with a drunken tweet . Famous for his sexy , edgy drawings , one night he tweeted that a collection of photos of a girl licking a doorknob would be a big hit . Azuma says he would have done anything about it if the tweet has gone unnoticed . But as you would have it , it 's not . A 21 - year -old photographer , Ai Ehara , replied to the tweet and that was how the ' doorknob Girl ' was launched . Ehara herself posed as the first doorknob girl , but when the site went viral , they began to hire several other models for the job . According to Ehara the idea was ' extraordinarily unusual ' .

While doorknobs are not generally regarded as a sexual object, the image of a woman licking one seem caught fancy country. So much, that they were even featured on national TV. Some say that a doorknob represents the perfect phallic symbol, especially because it comes in all shapes and sizes. The pictures themselves are generally not very blatantly sexual. The women are fully clothed, with different things cluttered around them. Sometimes they are dressed in a school uniform, and some wear a costume of an office worker. Developing the story behind the picture is totally left to the imagination of the viewer.

In a country where censorship law is pretty strict, artist, especially Manga and game designers, have been forced to be very creative in their descriptions of sexuality. Thinking about all the germs on doorknobs? Well, Azuma and Ehara always make sure they disinfect the knobs before a model started licking it.


Thai Man Marries Dead Girlfriend

In this tragic love story from Thailand , a man decided to go ahead with the wedding he and his girlfriend had planned , even though she sadly died in a car crash , just days before the big event .

29 - year -old Sarinya Kamsook and his 28 - year -old girlfriend , Chadil Deffy , will be married this year . A wedding is considered the most special event of a woman's life and it is no different for Sarinya . He is eager to counting the days to the moment when he finally say ' I do ' , along with the love of her life , but fate had other plans for the young couple . Merely days before the wedding , Sarinya was involved in a car crash , leaving her severely injured . He still could have been saved with timely medical attention . However , the doctors made ​​her wait for 6 hours due to an overcrowded ICU instead of transferring her to another hospital . During this time , she succumbed to her injuries and passed away .

Deffy and Sarinya been together for 10 years , before they finally decided to settle down . They deferred the wedding several times , due to busy schedules and the fact that you want Deffy to complete his education before he got married. However , after the untimely death of Sarinya , he can not let her go without fulfilling her deepest desire . So , he still decided to marry her . On January 4, the Buddhist ceremony , Deffy married the corpse of his girlfriend . The event took place in Surin , a city in northern Thailand . During the ceremony , he expressed his devotion and deep love for Sarinya . Several friends and relatives attended the wedding , and even though it was televised on national television in Thailand . The story , along with pictures from the wedding have now become an internet sensation , sparking much debate .

Show pictures Deffy kiss on the forehead of the corpse and placing his girlfriend wedding ring on her finger . Hopefully her soul now rests in peace , having received his last wish . As a tribute to their immense love , Thai Youtube users created various video collages , like the one below . A Facebook page dedicated to two now " liked " by more than 30,000 people


The T-shirt that's IMPOSSIBLE to stain: Student invents top that resists Coke, ketchup and even red wine

If you are clumsy and constantly spilling food down yourself , or just lazy and do not like washing your clothes , a student has invented the answer to your problems - a T - shirt that impossible stain .

The tops can withstand any spills and splashes including Coca - Cola , tomato ketchup , mustard , milkshakes , beer , ink and even red wine .

Clothing is made from polyester , which has been infused with a combination of chemicals that make it resistant to water .

Despite this , the T - shirt is said to feel ' no different from any other items you find in a clothing store . "

Patel University student from San Francisco to make a prototype using a spray - on chemicals , but realized it only takes one for the wash . Then he started looking at ways to integrate technology into the fabric .

He created a nanotechnology fabric bonded to fibers on a microscopic level .

This means they will not irritate the skin .

According to Patel : " Most of the liquid molecules are not able to handle the fabric for a microscopic layer of air that form between the liquid and fabric .

' This is because the fabric is layered with billions of silica particles . Water based liquid generates a 150 degree sphere and roll right off ! As a result , this barrier protects your shirt from potential accidents . '

After testing its way , the students created a business page about the invention , named Silic , the crowdfunding website Kickstarter .

That exceeded his target of around $ 20,000 ( £ 12,250 ) , before the close of the campaign on January 26 . The shirts are expected to be on sale online from May and cost around £ 30.

According to the Kickstarter page Patel is , there are some steps that wearers need to do to make sure that the T - shirt remains waterproof .

Along with it not using conditioner on a machine wash , no bleach or washing with colors and no ironing . Patel also advises wearers not to dry clean the shirt .

To reactivate the water repellency , the T - shirt should also be placed in a tumble dryer on a low heat at least once every three washes .

Patel said : " I started the project a year and a half ago after looking at making smart clothing .

' I wanted to try something different and I heard about the spray Hydrophobic , a spray that completely water resistant .

' I thought about putting it on a T - shirt but when I was doing the prototype after a while I became very light headed and I realized it may not be safe to use .

" I also realized that if I were to put it on clothing , it would wear off after just one wash so it would not be sustainable .

' To make it safer and longer lasting , I put the technology in polyester T - shirt as it is done on a nanoscale , molecular level .

" The T - shirt now we are completely safe and will last up to 80 washes , so you get around about two years 'worth of wear out of it . '

Everything – A Unique Fragrance That Smells Like All the 1,400 Perfumes Launched Last Year

Created by Dutch art duo Lenert and Sander , All is a unique scent that consists of 1400 samples per new fragrance launched in 2012 . Can you imagine what it smells like ?
The perfume business is doing better than ever , and it seems like every time you open a magazine or turn on your TV with new fragrance promoted . There are literally thousands of new fragrance launches each year , and it seems the world can not get enough of it . Inspired by this booming market , creative Dutch artist Sander Lenert and have spent an entire year collecting 1,400 samples of all fragrances launched last year and mixed it all in a 1.5 liter container to create a powerful combination aptly named All . If you ever asked yourself what a mix of all the world's perfume smell like , this is your chance to learn .

I for one can not even imagine the fragrance of a unique scent like all , but the two artists were kind enough to share their opinions about the fragrance in an interview with The Huffington Post . " We think all the smells of your average department store fragrance - walls smell hit you when you enter it , " said Lernert and Sander . " A friend of ours think it smells of Chanel # 5 . We think not , but love the idea that all of the fragrance mix 2012 ends up smelling like the most iconic fragrance in the world . " just because it is made ​​up of 1,400 different scent , does not mean that everyone wants it , as Lenert learned after his experience in public transportation : " When I tried this Lernert our studio yesterday and took the tram , the unbelievably handsome man came to sit next to him immediately got up and found another seat after smelling all . But hey , all is not for everyone " , the two decided .

Lenert and Sander presented their creation between March 1 -9, shop at Colette , in Paris , bold and offered customers the opportunity to smell the crazy concoction .

Chinese Transformers Fan Builds His Own Army of Robots

All geeks love Transformers , but Yang Junlin of Huizhou , China , took his passion for the franchise to a whole other level when he opened the factory " Legend of Iron " and began making his own robot .
Remebre uber - cool Megatron Tank we featured a few weeks back ? That is one of the masterpieces Yang Junlin iron , but I had the idea he had created hundreds of other incredible metal sculptures . In 2006 , after retiring from the army , Yang went to a concert where various steel sculptures were placed on display . Some of them are simple human figure made ​​from twisted metal wire , but they made such an impression on him , he decided to try and make his own steel works .
A year later , Yang Junlin opened his own factory , Legend of Iron , and bicycles over 10 workers to help him realize his dream of building cool robot sculptures . They use all kinds of scrap metal , from old car parts to simple sheets of steel andcreate some of the most amazing looking Transformers replicas I've ever seen . Although he admits his work is too long , Yang has built over 1,000 iron sculptures since he opened Legend of Iron , five years ago , and never planned on stopping any time soon .
See more pictures of Geek eye - candy Legend of Iron creates , after the holidays :