Five-Year-Old Boy Who Feels No Pain

Isaac Brown was 5 -year-old boy from Iowa who is suffering from a rare genetic condition that makes him immune to pain , but not the effect of his frequent injuries . Falls sharply , deeply cut and other agonizing injuries that normally produce children scream at the top of their lungs and cry for their parents , do not determine any kind of reaction from little Isaac . Even after he broke his pelvis by falling from playground equipment , he calmly identified that something was wrong , but he does not feel pain .

Isaac was born with congenital insensitivity to pain ( CIP ) and , according to his parents , the first year of his years of life are especially difficult as the boy " has just drop to the ground and trace his face on the table . thought his fall was fun . " not aware he was doing damage to his body , put his hands on a working oven burner and once cut himself with a sharp piece from a mug he was crazy . Her parents sought medical help but be satisfied to see that his condition is untreatable . The only advice medics were able to give some to teach Isaac to identify disease . He knew now that bleeding is bad but he is still not understand that there are different levels of pain which varies in intensity . While he understood that his father accidentally stepping he is sick, he does not recognize that a cat brushing against him , while it may be unpleasant to some , do not be offended . Unfortunately, Isaac 's response in both cases is the same " OW " that his parents thought him say .

However , when she broke her hip in the playground , became aware that something is wrong with the boy , but was not quite sure what . "I think he hurt his ankle ever , " said his mother . Because of this , he believes . " He 's feeling [ something ] , but the pain should be 20-30 times larger than what we would feel " Aside from his inability to feel pain , Isaac also suffering from anhidrosis - a rare condition that affects fewer than 100 people in the United States , which renders him 're control its temperature or feeling hot or cold . In the summer , when high temperatures are high , he was forced to stay indoors or wear a cooling vest to help him lower his body temperature .

Since CIP is so rare , medics do not know what causes it or what advise parents with children who suffer from it . In an attempt to learn how to take better care of their son , Mr. and Mrs. Brown also sought help online and found " The Gift of Pain " , a Facebook group created by the desperate parents seeking to give their children a chance at a normal life . As a member of this group , the parents of Ashlyn Blocker - A 13 - year -old girl with the same disorder who is featured on many pieces of news when he was a bit younger , who set up an assembly called " Camp painless but there is hope . " any family burdened with CIP can attend and learn more about these conditions as well as the means of preventing their children from not hurting themselves. Although Isaac is kept completely safe with her ​​parents without resorting to extreme measures , " the other children had removed all of their teeth because they are self - mutilate , their bite language , chew their fingers off , " mr Brown says.a

A lot of research is needed to find the mutated gene in the body of Isaac causing his inability to feel pain . May take up to 8 years to determine the source of the CIP and the boys still have to wait more years for a cure to be developed . However , finding the faulty gene can also be very useful to people with chronic pain . Dr. Waxman of the Mayo Clinic , where Isaac DNA is currently studied , believes that " If you be busy researchers a specific channel to transfer only pain messages can possibly mean for alleviating pain suffering debilitating and chronic conditions . " It would leave Mrs. Brown optimistic that his lack sons of the disease can at least help others . " When he was diagnosed , [ the doctor said ] nothing we can do for Isaac , not still . Yet the fact that they can take his mutated gene and cause people with chronic pain to feel more less pain . The thought of that is not true , " he said .

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