Asha Mandela World's Longest Dreadlocks

Asha Mandela has a lock on a world record can so terrible: the world's longest dreadlocks.

The 50-year-old Atlanta resident earned the name "the Black Rapunzel" because he hold the Guinness World Record for "World's Longest Dreadlocks," which he has owned since 2008.

His dreads are officially measured to be 19 feet, 6 inches long, but found an unofficial measurement of one of the strands measured a whopping 55 feet, 7 inches.

Mandela first started growing her lovely locks 25 years ago, after he moved from Trinidad-Tobago to New York and decided to have a more "natural" hairstyle.

"When I first started, it was more of a spiritual journey - It is not anything to do with a fad or fashion style," said Mandela by International Business Times. "After 25 years of development, my hair has really become part of me and I think that if I ever cut my hair I would definitely takes away my life."

But greatness like this is not easy: he washes dreads once a week, with up to six bottles of shampoo at a time. Then it takes two days for the locks to dry - and they weigh 25 pounds when wet.

He says the extra weight of her hair makes her doctor very concerned.

" The doctor seems to think I have curvature of the spine and the length and the weight of my hair making me curve , " he said , according to the Mirror . " Some said my neck was scaled back and I need to be careful because I might start having spasms in my spine and possibly paralyzed . "

That problem is mitigated , he says , by the impact of his locks have men in her life .

" My hair has never caused a problem with intimacy. I think it adds a little spice to the top , " he said .
A spokeswoman for Guinness World Records says the company discontinued the " World 's Longest Dreadlocks " recorded in 2009 , and do not attempt to track feat .

" The reason for this is that it is impossible to gauge the authenticity of the locks due to the method employed in the attachment of specialized hair extensions or re- attachment of broken off dreadlocks , " the spokeswoman told The Huffington Post . " That good , the dreadlock can become an extension and therefore impossible to adjudicate accurately. "

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