America's 'Longest Married Couple' Celebrates 81 Years Of Marriage

In February , John and Ann Betar was named the longest married couple in America by Worldwide Marriage encounter . And on Monday , the Connecticut lovebirds will celebrate an incredible 81 years of marriage .

The couple eloped in Harrison , N.Y. in 1932 .

" [ We ] have no choice but to flee because my father was set on me marrying a much older man , and I was 17 . John is not the boy next door , but the young man in front of I love the street , " Ann , 98 , told Reuters in a recent interview .

John , 102 , said the quickie marriage caused quite a stir with their families .

" Everyone was hopping mad , and my husband 's aunt consoled my father in law by telling him not to worry , the marriage did not last , " he said .

How wrong they were . The Betars been together for decades and have five children ( both now deceased ) , 14 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren .

" Videos that we change the world together, " said John . " The key is to always agree with your wife . "

In April , Victoria Wrubel - who is married to her husband Steven Wrubel for 83 years - died , ending what is believed to be the longest marriage of the country .

According to the Associated Press , the title Betars ' is based on nominations , so there may be other couples who have been married .

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