World's Ugliest Dog Competition

World's Ugliest Dog Competition
Mangy mutts from around the globe will gather this week at the only beauty pageant they might ever stand a chance of winning - the world's ugliest dog contest.

The annual show welcomes all dogs from pugs to terriers, sausage dogs and chihuahuas with their owners to the Sonoma-Marin Fair, California, in an attempt to discover the worst-looking canine on Earth.

Now in its 25th year, the contest - which has even spawned a book - sees dogs judged in four main categories - first impressions, unique features, personality, and audience reaction.

The aesthetically-challenged winner will not only be able to boast they're the polar opposite of the champion at Crufts, but will also take home a trophy, $1500 and a meal at a local restaurant prepared by a top chef.

Among the contenders this year are Creature with a huge under bite, Icky with sporadic wiry fur and Boolah who appears to have an uncontrollable tongue.

Event producer, Vicki DeArmon, 54, said: 'I've been producing the world's ugliest dog contest for seven years now - it's been a wild ride.

'The contest has grown from a small hometown fair event to one in which the entire world is engaged.

'The announcement of the winner each year ricochets around the world with that dog's photo being shared from China to Bolivia to France.

'We usually have between 20 and 30 dogs and we're on target for that again this year.

'In fact, 50 per cent of our contestants this year are first time participants and very often, the winner is a new dog. So one of those may well be our winner.

'The winning dog will get world fame and recognition, hitting the talk show circuit and appearing at local dog events.

'Many go on to become doggy ambassadors in their hometowns for the rescue dog movement as many of our contestants are rescue dogs who are now living in their forever homes and are much loved.'

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