Three-Legged Duck In China

Save a drumstick for Todd Ray -- or three for that matter.
The Los Angeles resident is trying to rescue a three-legged duck that is supposedly alive and well in Nan'an, a town in the Fujian Province of China.

Ray runs the Venice Beach Freakshow in Los Angeles and has, perhaps, the largest collection of bizarre animals in the world -- including 22 living two-headed animals and a five-legged dog.

Now, he wants to find and purchase the three-legged duck and bring it to California. He hopes he has more than a wing and a prayer of making his ducky dreams come true.

The duck was purchased at a market stall by a man who intended to kill it for food. However, Metro reports that after peeking at the duck, the man had second thoughts about his three-limbed quacker.

Duck shop owner Chen Xiantong was reportedly happy to give the man a full refund for the one-off creature.

"He said the duck was too weird with its extra leg, and he feared it may be harmful to health," Chen explained to the paper.

Instead of crying foul, Xiantong is letting the triple-limbed duck live in the shop and says its presence has been good for business.

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