Ten ways hot peppers help you be healthy and lose weight

Hot peppers are now at the medical community's center of attention due to its promising benefits to the overall health and weight loss process, thanks to its natural compound called capsaicin.
This substance works in so many different ways that can guarantee faster shedding of fat without compromising safety. Below are the 10 benefits of capsaicin for healthier weight loss.

Capsaicin boosts metabolism

Capsaicin contains properties that stimulate energy releasing by consuming three percent more calories, especially when taken before exercising. Also, due to faster lipid metabolism, you will consume more calories even while at resting state, like while sleeping.

Capsaicin effectively suppresses the appetite

This compound radically affects the production of the thyroid hormone that controls adrenaline and dopamine - hormones that regulate appetite. By adding hot peppers to every meal, you are cutting your appetite by more than half, just enough for you to eat healthily but not overeat.

Capsaicin increases energy and alertness

Animal testing observed increased energy and alertness levels on test subjects due to capaicin's thermogenic effect.

Capsaicin improves digestion capability

Hot pepper has been used for hundreds of years to help in indigestion and gastrointestinal irregularities. By stimulating the production of digestive enzymes, capsaicin makes nutrient absorption more efficient.

Capsaicin regulates carbohydrate processing

In a study conducted by the University of Maryland Medical Center, it was concluded that capsaicin can control carbohydrate breakdown for more efficient calorie consumption and energy production. It is for this reason that further clinical studies are being conducted toward capsaicin's possible treating function against obesity.

Capsaicin improves fat oxidation

Studies have proven that sufficient amounts of capsaicin can stop the accumulation of fat in the liver by increasing the rate of breaking down lipids and converting them to energy.

Capsaicin improves stamina

According to clinical findings, taking capsaicin-rich foods helps in lasting longer during heavy workouts and aids in faster recovery after every strenuous physical activity. This is possible by increasing the body's oxygen intake by up to 7.5 percent, making the lungs stronger and oxygen absorption by the blood higher.

Capsaicin protects the cells from damages

A piece of hot pepper contains an overwhelming amount of phytochemicals in the forms of carotenoids and flavonoids - two powerful antioxidants that show fighting properties against free radicals, the main causes of cancer.

Capsaicin supplies vitamins

Hot pepper is a rich source of vitamins A and C that can help you fight diseases and strengthen your immune system. These vitamins also work as very potent antioxidants that can fight the signs of aging.

Capsaicin cuts off binging habit

Spicy flavor enhancers naturally make eating less enjoyable because of their numbing effect to the tongue. While hotness works great in small quantities, not many people can eat spicy foods in large amounts.

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