Contrary to popular belief spawned by media and Hollywood, the Mayan’s Long Count Calendar does not predict the end of the world on Dec. 21, 2012.

What it predicts is the end of the fifth cycle of the earth’s 26,000-year history, which began in 3114 BC and will end on Dec. 21, 2012.

The 26,000 years is divided into five earth cycles of about 5,126 years. The earth is now in its fifth and last cycle according to that calendar.

After Dec. 21, 2012, another earth cycle will commence. It says nothing about the world coming to an end. As Gerald Benedict pointed out in his book “The Mayan Prophecies for 2012,” “The prophecies are not of a terminal catastrophe, but of an evolving earth and of a spiritual evolution of the people.”

This event will be accompanied by great changes on earth in both the physical and spiritual planes as a result of the influence of planetary alignments and movements. On Dec. 21, 2012, it is predicted that six planets, including the sun and the moon, will be in complete alignment, going back to their original state 26,000 years ago. That’s why the calendar ends on Dec. 21, 2012, and not because, according to one cartoon, the Mayans “ran out of stones to carve on.”

Already we have been seeing the effects of these earth changes predicted by the Mayan calendar, namely, more frequent natural calamities, such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, strong floods in unusual places, hurricanes and typhoons, not to mention the depletion of the ozone layer, causing global warming that is melting several kilometers of polar glaciers more rapidly.

This is aggravated by the scientifically validated statement that the sun is getting warmer compared to previous decades. The Mayan Calendar predicted that there would be greater and more frequent solar flares or storms happening as the fifth earth cycle nears its end.

The Mayans are not alone in the dire predictions about the earth in the coming years, if not months. Edgar Cayce, Ruth Montgomery’s guides, Nostradamus, Zecharia Sitchin’s “Earth Chronicles,” The Hopi Indians, and the Revelations of St. John all point to the same or similar scenario. Only the Mayans predicted the exact date of earth’s ending cycle, but it did not predict the end of the world, but only the changes that will take place on that fateful date. The earth will survive these natural calamities, and so will majority of its population.

So, what can we earthlings do, assuming the Mayan calendar predictions are true? Nothing much physically, to be honest about it. The preparation must come primarily from within each and every one of us, not from without.

Open mind

As the entity, Ang Suh, from the upper fifth dimension, revealed to its channel, Dr. Helen de Garriz, very recently:

“Do not seek answers in the things you see; rather seek them from the heart and an open mind. It will be a very difficult phase, the first part of 2012, for the blending of the old mind and new spirit, and the shift from the third to the fourth dimension, will produce some resistance, causing a wave of confusion and frustration…
“Do not be afraid, for though the forces of Evil are strong in your sphere, it is still the Good that will triumph, for that is the natural order of things… Remember, you only need to be AWARE in order to survive.”

I have been asked what Ang Suh meant by such a seemingly vague statement. I may be wrong, but what I believe he and the other spirit entities have been pounding into our thick heads for thousands of years is that man must stop thinking of himself as a physical body having consciousness, but instead think of himself as consciousness (or spirit) having a body.

Once we truly realize and embrace the fact that we are primarily a spirit that possesses a physical body in order to function and develop on the earth plane, then there will be no more fear of what happens to the body, because the immortal spirit will remain alive forever!

As Ang Suh pointed out: “The separation of the Good and Evil, the Light and the Dark, shall no longer exist in the age of Conscious Awareness!”

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