GOD's Pharmacy is Amazing

GOD's Pharmacy is Amazing
➨CARROT- Eating carrots won't give a nearsighted person 20/20 vision. But carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A -- a crucial nutrient for maintaining proper eyesight.

Vitamin A deficiency can cause night blindness, says John Allred, a professor of nutrition at Ohio State University. An extreme deficiency can even cause blindness. Vitamin A deficiency is the leadin
g cause of blindness in the Third World. But if you're not deficient in vitamin A, your vision won't improve no matter how many carrots or other beta-carotene-rich fruits and vegetables you eat.

➨WALNUT- Since there’s a high concentration of omega-3 fatty acids in walnuts, they’re excellent for brain health. Your brain consists mostly of structural fats that are critical for normal brain cell function. For this reason, walnuts really are “brain food.”

The American diet is almost devoid of all omega-3s, with researchers finding that about two-thirds of Americans are deficient in omega-3 fatty acids. This lack of omega-3 fat can make it tough for the brain to function at a high level.

➨TOMATO-Vegetables are an important part of a heart-healthy diet because they help reduce cholesterol and keep blood sugars in a healthy range. The May 2007 "Singapore Medical Journal" reports that the antioxidants in tomatoes are especially good at stopping the damage to heart arteries that precedes plaque formation. The authors add that cooking tomatoes releases more of the antioxidants for the body to take in than raw tomatoes.

➨BEANS- Similar to the kidney in shape and color, kidney beans provide a variety of minerals and vitamins, and so are generally beneficial for your health. If your kidneys are healthy, kidney beans can -- when consumed as part of a balanced diet -- contribute to your kidney health. If your kidneys are diseased, you might need to moderate your intake of kidney beans.

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