Future Pope's Childhood Christmas Letter to Baby Jesus.

Future Pope's Childhood Christmas Letter to Baby Jesus.
A recently unearthed letter from the seven-year-old Joseph Ratzinger [now Pope Benedict XVI] to “Baby Jesus” reveals the future pope’s desire to be a priest and his devotion to the Sacred Heart:

Dear Baby Jesus,

Quickly come down to earth. You will bring joy to children. Also bring me joy. I would like a Volks-Schott, green clothing for Mass, and a heart of Jesus. I will always be good.

Greetings from Joseph Ratzinger

“Volks-Schott” was a German prayer book. The green clothing refers to clerical garb Ratzinger and his brother would wear when “playing priest.”

“The Pope was very glad to find the letter and its contents made him smile,” said the pope’s secretary, Monsignor Georg Gaenswein.

It wouldn’t be the last time God would hear from Joseph Ratzinger.

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